M:Fist Applications


M:Fist Applications

Alright this is the last reminder for this and applications are due November 11th.

From Smokes last news post about M:FIST:


-Rank: Jedi Hunter or above

-Must be active daily in both gaming and/or mIRC

-Must NOT be on any super secret probation with the Grand Master or Dark Council

-Must work well with others

-Must have a cservice username

-Must have the mental capacity to work with restarting servers, or communicate issues with

the servers that are beyond your apptitude to the adminstrators.

-Must be willing to take a project, work on it without guidence, dealing with constructive critisim and getting the job done without me hovering over you. (Slackers will be killed then fired)

-Have a working knowledge of how x commands work, for mIRC issues in DBGaming

Ok, above the requirements are done, now what else am I looking for? As you have seen in this report or any other report I have put out so far, what my plans are. So thinking outside the box I want to see a list of nothing less than 5 ideas and a 30-60-90 day plan regarding with what I have going on, what would be new to use, and incorprate your ideas into this list. This is a chance to impress me. Also within your application I want to know the strengths and weaknesss for the above requirements, dont BS me that would be sure fire way to get the application ignored. This position isnt about flashy applications...this application is about you and your skill set you bring to the table. Your activity in the Brotherhood will weigh heavily on my final decision, not a flashy or well written application and just doing a bare minimum for this club just wont cut it. List all the games you play currently. What Im considering this position for will be in a lot of areas in gaming from handling servers, running events, awarding the correct medals for your event, keeping a good communication with the outside clubs for those gaming days, and assisting in every detail of Trainning days.

Again, email your apps to Smoke ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by November 11th.


Fremoc Pepoi

Praetor to the Fist

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