I don't want to push the GM's report down, but I wanted to make a quick announcement.
I received a lot of enthusiastic applications for both Praetor and Magistrate and had a hell of a time deciding who would get the spots. Ultimately, I did have to choose two people and I managed to do so after great deliberation.
OT Dralin Fortea will be my new Praetor and my current Apprentice will serve as my first Magistrate on the projects he put forward in his application.
There will be a time when I will begin opening up applications once more for more Magistrates as need arises and I ask that anyone who lost out on this round to reapply at that time. I will also be using the ideas you put into your applications in my work since they were all such profound insights, with the permission of their progenitors of course.
Congrats to Dralin and Diclonius and good luck to all in the Independence Games!
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