April MT Reminders


April MT Reminders

The April 1-20 Monthly Topics are due in one week. This is a reminder that you can still participate in

[VOICE] Infiltration


[VOICE] Cantina Tales

While it doesn't end on the twentieth, you have till the end of the month to submit to a competition I'm eager to judge:

[VOICE] Dark Side Jams

As a reminder to all you veterans out there and a good tip for all newbies, remember to send all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and please CC yours leaders. The entries you send us should have your name and/or pin in both the file name and document itself. Please pay specific attention to the rules in each competition and try to adhere to the nuances as best you can!

~His Excellency, the Voice of the Brotherhood

Vodo Biask Taldrya

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