Dark Crusade: GFX Competition Concerns


Dark Crusade: GFX Competition Concerns

So, it has been brought to my attention that people are concerned that I will be throwing out entries that do not meet the standard set for this vendetta period. While I have asked for a higher standard in entries this time around, this is what I am looking for.

Malik, prepare to be my guinea pig. :p

Malik sends me a design of two DCers (Muz and Fremoc) that he made in MS Paint. They look like a little kid drew them but I can see Muz's distinguishable hair and goatee while I see a wrap around Fremoc's eye. I know who these characters are.

DJK Randommember sends me a design of Muz and Fremoc that they did in MS Paint but instead of separating the two of them by what distinguishes them, he draws two generic stick figures and types their names over the heads of the characters.

I decide to keep Malik's entry while DJK Randommember's entry may be discarded towards their clan's standings. Why would I do this?

I don't expect everyone to give me the most detailed image ever or the most "out of the box" design. But this is a competition, guys. I would like to see you give me a little more effort than just "copy/paste" style graphics. Does this mean I'm going to start tossing images out? No. Absolutely not. You would have to give me a very good reason to do so and if I do, I will notify you as to the reason why.

I've been Herald for more than 5 years. Most of you have an idea about what kind of standards I expect. This is more for formality's sake and to let people know how serious this vendetta is. So, do not worry about me up and deleting posts because I have a bad day. This vendetta is suppose to be as much fun as it is a competition. I still look forward to the entries and am excited to see what everyone comes up with. Good luck to the participants!

-Da Shikkaman

Herald of Dis Shiznit

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