Not All Clusters are Created Equal


Not All Clusters are Created Equal

Good evening everyone,

I just spent the last several hours entertaining my wife's co-workers. If you know anything about me, you can imagine the painful experience I just endured! But, alas, DB business has saved me from any other painful spouse duties tonight.

Earlier today a decent discussion occurred on Telegram concerning the awarding of Clusters of Ice and Clusters of Fire for Competition Organizers. This discussion was sparred by some confusion on the topic and I wanted to take the time to clear up any misconceptions.

Clusters of Fire: The Fist does not prohibit Clusters of Fire from being awarded to competition organizers during gaming events. Period.

Clusters of Ice: The Voice limits the awarding of Clusters of Ice to multiple/co-op fiction events. Individual fiction events or poetry events will not award Clusters of Ice for competition organizers; however, run-ons and the ACC will award Clusters of Ice to organizers (due to their multiplayer-like aspects).

These policies have been determined based on member feedback, GM/DGM/MAA/Voice/Fist discussions,and as a result of some pretty lame exploitation of some of our old award systems. They also make a clear distinction that Clusters of Ice and Clusters of Fire/Earth are not equal. I'm okay with this.

Once again, I appreciate the question Lonewolf asked on Telegram today because it resulted in a healthy discussion in #db Telegram as well as on the DC mailing list.

One thing that I would ask, and remind everyone, is that when you engage in discussion on Telegram, please do so in a civil manner. We all have opinions, but we should make an effort to have a better informed opinion....especially prior to criticizing or challenging the dedication and effort of our tremendous staff.

Outside of all that....Santa Sarin (throwback!) will arrive this weekend with some presents for the deserving. I look forward to publicly recognizing our outstanding team of leaders across the club.

GM Pravus

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