News for Position Praetor to the Herald

Displaying all 19 news items
Date Title Author Context
2024/11/11 Praetor to the Herald Supplemental #1: Two Open Magistrate Positions Mistress Aphotis Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2024/06/01 May the Fourth 2024 Results General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2024/05/01 May the Fourth 2024: We Have Liftoff! General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2022/06/02 [P:HRLD] Avatar Guide Updated Jael Valsi Chi'ra Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2019/05/05 [Shroud War II] Round 3 - Last of the Prelims! Lord Idris Adenn Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2019/04/28 [Shroud War II] Round 2 Start! Lord Idris Adenn Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2019/04/20 [Shroud War II] Round 1 Start! Lord Idris Adenn Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2019/04/10 [Herald Tournament] Shroud War II Lord Idris Adenn Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2018/02/26 [HRLD] Praetor Report : Invasion of the Porgs #1 Jael Valsi Chi'ra Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2017/05/04 Herald Tournament: Shroud War - Wrap Up! Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2017/01/17 Herald Update - Praetor Edition #4 - New Graphics Archetype! Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2016/12/06 Herald Update - Praetor Edition #3 - Custom Request Changes! Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2016/11/25 Herald Update - Praetor Edition #2 - Custom Weapon Requests Unavailable Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2016/09/22 Herald Update - Praetor Edition #1 - Plagiarism in the DB Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2014/12/09 Praetor to the Herald Report - The Holiday Rush Battlelord Mateus Kelborn Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2014/02/21 Herald's Office: February Praetor Report General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2014/02/15 Valentines for the DB General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2014/01/20 Herald's Office: January Praetor Report General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)
2013/11/30 Herald's Office: New Warbanner Goodies General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos Praetor to the Herald (Assistants)