Please Note: The following news post was created as an example for a Report Writing guide. A template has been created and will be made available to assist new leaders with becoming more comfortable writing reports.
Report Fiction Title (Optional)
You do not want to typically post an entire fiction in a report. The best practice is to choose a paragraph or two that you think make a good segway, and then trail off by linking to the report externally (a discourse thread, a google document, a published pdf, etc.).
Click here to read the rest of the report fiction!
An introduction paragraph is a great way to kick off the report. You can also outline for potential readers what you will be covering in the report. Gifs and images help break up walls of text, but try and use them only where you feel they are needed.
The main function of reports is to share news and updates with the rest of the club and/or with the members under your care.
Using a sub-header, you can now transition to talking about your first topic. You can link to other reports, talk about big events, or announce the results of a competition that just finished.
Using a sub-header, you can now transition to talking about your second topic. You can talk about upcoming events, or announce new changes that members will be seeing. #hype
It's always important to recognize your members for their achievements. You can break this down using sub-headers, and make it easy to read with bullet points.
Little Timmy asks: Do I have to do a Q&A in my reports?
It's not required but sometimes great to make members feel like they are a part of your reports. You can ask questions and answer them, or invite members to provide feedback.
Wrap things up in your own words. You can remind people where the best place to reach you is (email, telegram, etc.). Graphical signatures are not required, and you can simply sign off with your name and position. You can also throw in a cool image or gif, but remember to keep the content in line with the News Page Policies and Best Practices
—Your Name In Italics
Unit Leader of Clan Awesomesauce
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