Taldryan Consul Report #2 – Howie Lives, Sorta?


Taldryan Consul Report #2 – Howie Lives, Sorta?

Taldryan News

Wow, it has been a while since I did one of these – and I hope to do more of these in the future. For now though, I’m just happy to be able to do the one. My life has returned to almost normal, and it should be returning to full normal in about a week – so expect to see more and more of me (and more importantly, more overall activity out of me). Additionally, expect to see more regular reporting out of the Proconsul, as well as the Ektrosis and Dinaari summits starting now.

May was just absolutely nuts, and I just wanted to thank every single member of Taldryan for putting up with me and being patient while my life went into insane overdrive work. I also wanted to offer up my thanks to Zoron for running things in my absence. Now hopefully, the rest of the summer will be less insane!

Here are the things Zoron and I are going to be working on in the next week:

  • Status of current fictional universe with respect to how it jives with the rest of the Brotherhood

  • Award and promotion review of the Clan

  • Review of the summit

  • Doing all the things!

Brotherhood News

  • The Voice of the Brotherhood is looking for two new magistrates. Knowing Evant as I do, I think he’d be a pretty great guy to work for. Evant has listed out all the requirements he has (duties, expectations, all that) in his report, and I encourage everyone who is interested to apply! Applications are due before June 22nd!

  • Cethgus posted a new Fist of the Brotherhood report – and amongst the many things of note (Overwatch the Division, weekly Pendants of Blood), Taldryan has an upcoming double Cluster of Fire day! That occurs with Clans Scholae Palatinae and Tarentum on Saturday, June 25! June’s Gorefest, another double Cluster of Event, is occurring the weekend after next (June 17-19), so make sure you participate!

Competition Roundup

Taldryan Hosted Competitions

Brotherhood Wide Competitions

As always, my proverbial office (it’s probably more of a cave, really) is always open if you have questions or comments or you think I’m doing a terrible job. Please don’t feel the need to keep things from me!

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