Taldryan Consul Report #4 – Howie Flee Edition


Taldryan Consul Report #4 – Howie Flee Edition

Taldryan News

So…uh, everything is on fire. At least in the realms of Taldryan’s in-character/in-fictional world. For those of you that missed it, the Grand Master posted a giant fiction update that is going to impact everything that Taldryan does, well, forever. It’s one hell of a read, and it is truly going to impact everyone’s character within the Clan, even mine! As a clan, we are still working on what it will all mean – but safe to say, our clan is more of a ragtag fleet (of an indeterminate size because we haven’t figured that out yet) with what’s left of the Expansionary Force.

Moreover, we’re still on the bad end of Grand Master Jac’s and Pravus’ sticks of terribleness because we have light-siders and grey-siders in our Clan!

Suffice to say, things are a lot more interesting!

Leadership Changes

So, back a few months ago when I announced applications for the position of Taldryan’s proconsul, I made it pretty clear (or at least I think I did?) that my gig as Taldryan’s consul had an expiration date. When Zoron was selected, it was always the intent for him to carry Taldryan into the future, but unfortunately that wasn’t to be. To Zoron, thank you for your service as Proconsul! You made me look, you know, useful and competent – and I hope that one day you’ll be back to the Brotherhood to take up the mantle of leadership.

The fact of the matter is, Taldryan needs new blood – and as you all well know, my blood is anything but new. Therefore, I will be resigning as Taldryan’s consul effective whenever Sarin and Mav appoint the new consul. I’ve really enjoyed my time leading the clan, but it’s time for a new generation of members to lead our clan, and for me to step back and be a regular member of the clan again. So, to Best Aiden, Worst Aiden, Little Bobecc and Little Seyda – the ships of our ragtag fleet running away from the Iron Fleet? They’re yours now. Don’t screw it up!

Expect a news post from the Deputy Grand Master in the next couple of hours on the matter of Taldryan’s consul in the future.

I will still be kicking around doing all the things, and if you ever need advice, or help, or just want to yell at me for being me? I will still be here.

Thank you for the opportunity to let me serve. And remember, do all the things!

Brotherhood News

  • New DC position! Evant has moved from Voice of the Brotherhood to the new position of Regent! Yay Evant! He will be working on possessions (both building it, and then running it) full time. Check out his first report hereThis means that the position of Voice is open for applications! Sarin posted his requirements here, and the position is open until Tuesday, September 20th, so if you’re interested, I encourage you to apply!

  • Cethgus has resigned from his position as Fist of the Brotherhood, and Mav and Sarin are looking for a replacement! Check out the requirements here, and the position is open until Sunday, October 2! Like Voice, if you’re interested and think you can make a difference? Please apply!

  • The Undertaking - The Wiki Tribune is running a pretty major Brotherhood competition around the Wiki (and its fictional counterpart, the Holocron Centre!). A whole bunch of first level crescents are up for grabs, and these competitions look like fun!

Competition Roundup

Taldryan Hosted Competitions

The Undertaking

Brotherhood Wide Competitions

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