Peacekeeper Christopher Winchester (aka: Nero Inferni) has retired from his position as Dinaari’s Aedile. I want to thank Little Nero for his hard work, and I hope that he’s learned a lot from his time in leadership (and I think that he has)! In his stead, Knight Best Aiden Lee Deshra has assumed the Aedileship of Dinaari, and he’s already introduced himself and posted his very first report!
I’d like to welcome Apprentice Galene Vivek to Clan Taldryan! I look forward to seeing Vivek move through the ranks as a member of the Gray Path!
Djasei Brevis was promoted to Hunter on the 21st and Rosalyn May to Proselyte on the 27th! Congratulations to both of them!
Cethgus was appointed as Fist of the Brotherhood, and posted his first report, as well as a Gaming Update. In the latter update, Cethgus posted some important changes to the Rites of Combat, including a hard requirement to use the Fist-O-Matic Bot in #dbgaming!
The Master at Arms, Seneschal, and Herald all posted reports – everyone should take a look see.
Sarin/Pravus posted a massive fictional update a week and a half ago or so, and it’s definitely worth reading. For those of you that haven’t – I suggest you do so. If you have not read it, you’re probably going to want to skip over this section because there be plot update spoilers ahead.
For those of you that have read it? It’s pretty damn important to Taldryan. Lightsiders and Graysiders are now undesirables - and they’re now very much on the Grand Master’s chopping block! That means a sizeable chunk of Taldryan’s membership (and it’s potential pool for future members) are on the hit list! Taldryan as a clan has a number of options where we can take our fictional development, and we are mulling them over as a clan summit – but I want to know from all of you what you think?
Do you think Taldryan should openly oppose the Grand Master? Do we go to war over this (or something to that effect)?
Should Taldryan try and hide its members? Or not be obvious about our support for undesirables?
Should we do something else?
When thinking about these ideas, try to think about how it will impact your character in the short and long term, how it will impact how Taldryan interacts with the other clans and the Dark Council, and anything else that might be important. Please feel free to comment on this news post, or send me an email directly.
Bobecc and Omega are running a set of competitions that features one of Taldryan’s newest enemies, Sphinxian Satellite Technologies! These competitions end on March 3rd at 11:59 UTC – so you’ve only got a short time to complete them!
Flash Gaming – [TID] Counter Measures
Graphics – [TID] Dropship
Fiction – [TID] Just Dropping By
Multiplayer Gaming – [TID] Gatekeeper Trials
Poetry – Haiku we do
Trivia – Super Speed Sporcle #01
Web Hunt Competition – Hunt the Jedi #33
Graphics/Meme – Wade into the Meme Stream, Episode II
Fiction – Maximum Brevity Series IV: First Kill
Multiplayer Gaming – March Monthly Gaming: Battlefront
Multiplayer Gaming – Operation: Nightfall
Multiplayer Gaming – Who's the Boss?
Multiplayer Gaming – War...War Never Changes
Multiplayer Gaming – Take to the field of war
Multiplayer Gaming – Rome: Total War
Multiplayer Gaming – Star Conflict PvP/PvE
Fiction – Jawa Jail Break
Fiction – Dungeons and Krayt Dragons
Fiction – Alignment Shift
Graphics – [DB Art Club] The Pictures In The Sounds #2
Graphics – THIS is your weapon! You will eat with it! you will sleep with it!
Mobile Gaming – Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (26Feb-3Mar2016)
Mobile Gaming – Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (4-10Mar2016)
Mobile Gaming – Monthly Mobile Gaming March: GyroSphere Trials
Flash Gaming – An Unwelcome Visitor
Flash Gaming – Hole in… One?
Thanks for your patience in dealing the clan summit during its lull period. I promise you, that will not happen again!
I'm going to be on vacation in Europe from March 30th to April 11th. I'll probably have very limited access to email during that time.
Alberta's likely to have a pretty gnarly wildfire season starting in the coming months, so if I disappear into the deep mine of my workplace for a while, please don't panic!
As always, if you have questions, my Howiecave is always open!
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