Members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood,
The Chamber of Justice has convened and issued a verdict in the pending case of DB v. Wytt Vatt, et al.. Following an investigation, Wytt Vatt, et al. was charged with ten counts of cloning.
Wytt Vatt, et al. plead guilty to all charges and accepted ownership of his actions.
The detailed Verdict and Justicar's Opinion for the case can be found in the PDF file linked below. Please note that the written opinion is generally found on the page after announcement of the verdict.
The verdict was as follows:
Case #072 - DB v. Wytt Vatt, et al. - Opinion PDF
Ten Counts of Cloning: GUILTY
I strongly encourage you to read the Opinion PDF as I outline the research done by the Chamber related to identifying Clones and the evolution of Chamber sentences in a post-XP Brotherhood.
Signed and sealed in Justice,
Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
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