Knight Startouched Researcher 2

Knight Startouched Researcher

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Unknown Human, Force Disciple, Techweaver
Height: 1.7 m / 5'7" - Weight: 63.0 kg / 139 lbs
Age: 33 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Startouched Researchers are the general workers of the Startouched group. They are comprised mainly of Humans, however, they have other commonly seen species in their ranks. They are all within the typical bounds of physical appearances for their respective species.

Loadout: Primary
Alternative Methods (General Aspect)

Startouched Researcher's skills as a medic are not just limited to holo-books and lectures. They has read up and practiced a handful of experimental treatments while inventing a few home remedies of their own. This allows Startouched Researcher to work outside the box in less than ideal situations, and can lead to them solving mysteries other trained medics might struggle with. This, of course, comes with its own string of failures, as nothing is ever perfect. That, and some of the more established professionals in the field often doubt or question Startouched Researcher's alternative practices. They typically brush them off in favor of doing everything they can to help a patient, but does quietly seek recognition for accomplishments as a healer.

Always In Control (General Aspect)

Startouched Researcher sees themself as the control subject in the science experiment called life. Often labeled as "boring" and "predictable", Startouched Researcher keeps their wild and experimental side reserved for pet projects. This boring lifestyle leads to them being considered anti-social and when they does join others, instead of relaxing they prefers to keep quiet and observe.

Lone Wolf (Personality Aspect)

Startouched Researcher doesn't like to work in groups or teams and feels most comfortable on their own. Startouched Researcher sticks to themself, sets their own pace, and doesn't share feelings or emotions with others. While the Lone Wolf can get things done quietly and efficiently, they tend to be emotionally cut off and has problems relating to their comrades.

All Work, No Play (Personality Aspect)

Startouched Researcher considers their work to be the most important aspect of his life. This borderline obsessions with the "job" leaves little room for any kind of personal or social life, making it difficult for Startouched Researcher to relax and enjoy spending time with others. they excel in activities that relate to their work, but the idea of work-life balance is an altogether abstract concept.

Adaptive Combat (Combat Aspect)

Without the gift of the Force, Startouched Researcher has trained rigorously with a wide range of melee weaponry and technology to better handle opponents that are able to harness the mythical power. Startouched Researcher has been conditioned to fight against foes that are Force-sensitive and are able to compensate against fighting an adversary wielding something as deadly as a lightsaber. While this adaptive combat training makes them lethal in close quarters combat against any kind of threat, they are still at the mercy of a long ranged fighter, assailant or Force user that prefers to attack the mind instead of the body.

Combat Slicer (Combat Aspect)

While Startouched Researcher avoids combat whenever possible, they have no qualms working with technology under the stress and pressure of combat. Startouched Researcher has trained themself to keep calm and focus intently on Slicing even while taking blaster fire from cover or when placed under time constraints. In truth, Startouched Researcher almost works better when under duress, and actually needs motivation, typically, when Slicing.

Skill Feats
The Force is With Me Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Elementary Telekinetic Strike II
Granted Feats
Hexing I Embrace The Light Devotee Order Feat: Force Disciple Mechu-deru I Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)