Battlemaster Nali Goveg

Battlemaster Nali Goveg

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Lasat, Sith, Arcanist
Height: 1.99 m / 6'6" - Weight: 123.3 kg / 272 lbs
Age: 58 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Nali Goveg is a middle aged female Lasat with a strong wide build. Her dark fur is greying, especially the districting pattern on her face. Her greying hair is kept braided and pulled back. Her eyes are large and yellow.


Battlemaster Nali Goveg has not created any public loadouts yet.

Blind Optimist (General Aspect)

Every legendary story seems to have at least one charming and optimistic character. If that's the case, then it only makes sense that Nali Goveg has decided to be that person. After all, if everyone is too busy whining and groaning about the negatives, how will anyone ever reach the positive? True, Nali Goveg's constant belief that things will get better can be terribly grating, especially to pessimists or those just level-headed enough to realize when things truly are going downhill, but Nali Goveg's constant positive outlook can serve to sometimes spur others to action when it feels like the world just wants them to lay down and die.

Due Diligence (General Aspect)

When Nali Goveg does things, she makes sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. This means there are frequent delays in Nali Goveg's work, but it's usually done right, at least.

Think Through Your Exits (Personality Aspect)

Nali Goveg doesn't do anything without first having a plan, and is constantly overheard advising others to always “think through their exits”. Every movement she makes—be it combative, manipulative or otherwise—is premeditated and thought out ahead of time. This foresight often places Nali Goveg two steps ahead of her peers. However, when plans go awry, Nali Goveg often has to first backtrack those same two steps to address the present, and that hesitation can often be line between success and failure in the heat of a situation.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Nali Goveg's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. She becomes focused and quiet, with her smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (Combat Aspect)

If Nali Goveg had been in Greedo’s shoes, Han Solo would be pushing up daisies. She almost always acts on instinct, which typically means she can be seen as impulsive and may not think her actions through, especially in situations during or leading up to combat.

Dead Sprint (Combat Aspect)

When Nali Goveg gets in trouble, she finds no fault in bravely turning tail and getting the hell out of dodge. Obviously, this means that she tends to survive even the most deadly encounters... but the same can't always be said for her compatriots. This fact hasn't exactly made her the most popular among her peers, but hey, at least Nali Goveg isn't dead yet.

Skill Feats
The Force is With Me Keen Mind II
Force Feats
Blinded By The Light Obedience School Prestidigitation
Granted Feats
Dowsing II Order Feat: Sith Channel II Devotee Devil’s Sight Lasat: Few And The Proud Lasat: The Child, The Warrior, The Fool
  • Basic
  • Lasat
  • Creature Breeding and Early Life Care
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None