Character Snapshot (Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson)

Character Snapshot for Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson (2024/09/05, Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson vs. Battlelord Vincent Brujah)

Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Shaevalian, Loyalist, Ace
Height: 1.71 m / 5'7" - Weight: 60.3 kg / 133 lbs
Age: 63 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Evelyn is a hybrid of Shaevalian and Echani. Due to the slow aging of Shaevalian, she appears to look to be in early 30s. She has tanned skin tone. Her snow-white hair is usually long and most likely seen in a fishtail braid that reaches to the same level as her elbow. When unbraided, it reaches to her lower back. Her irises are dark emerald hues. Her body is a healthy build for a woman her size. Evelyn has no scars and a sleeve tattoo on her right arm. From her elbow to her shoulder, it is the star map of the Arkania and Eshan system combined. From her elbow to her wrist, it's the star map of the Csilla system. Extended out to her chest slightly, she has a single star above her right chest.

Evelyn Commission by Beya Arca

Evelyn Commission by Angery Palm

Loadout: Envoy (Snapshot)
Under Wyvern's Wings (General Aspect)

Like a mother protecting her young, Evelyn fiercely protects her comrades in battle. Due to her sharp eyes and perceptive nature, she has a knack for saving her comrades in the nick of time during battle, especially when piloting is involved. This tendency to always watch her comrades' six makes Evelyn a valuable ally to have, but her constant focus on her teammates leaves little attention for her own safety, making her more likely to draw fire from enemies.

Sharp Saber (General Aspect)

Despite her line of work, Evelyn Wyvern sees herself as a refined lady and will often put on a show of being shy and timid to those she does not know. Evelyn Wyvern only lets the mask slip to show her more laid-back and social nature to those she trusts. To those she dislikes, she will actually become more insufferable as taunts and quips without any regard for who or what she might be offending. No matter whose prescience she is in, she does not use contractions and severely dislikes cussing.

Proper Procedure (Personality Aspect)

Having refocused her talents towards helping the Envoy Corps, Evelyn tries her best to go with the flow and be a good team player. Which can be difficult when the random and somewhat chaotic nature of her life and those around her refuse to operate in an orderly, proper, and clean manner. Even with ongoing therapy, this need for control bleeds through to her interpersonal relationships and often into professional teamwork and assignments.

Ice Queen (Personality Aspect)

Evelyn was raised from a young age to remain composed and to conceal her emotions. This has been compounded by the stoic professionalism expected of her during her military service. While Evelyn is not a particularly harsh or cruel individual this aloof persona can make her seem hard to approach for some people. But it allows her to take what the galaxy throws at her in stride, overcoming difficulty while rarely breaking character, even if it means she will fall apart later when granted the privacy of solitude.

Danse Macabre (Combat Aspect)

Evelyn has spent her entire life learning and refining the most fundamental of movement: the footwork. Whether moving nimbly onstage or weaving around the battlefield, she has learned the importance of proper posture and positioning. Dancing has become a passion, one that has shaped her very personality. Evelyn is like a river, fluid and always flowing. In combat she is unrelenting, a crushing wave that crashes against whatever the galaxy will throw at her. But this focus and will can potentially lead to tunnel vision, the refusal to give up making it more difficult to see other approaches to a problem. There is a grace to her movements, an almost ethereal quality that sets her apart from the common rabble. But such grace and swift movement is taxing to maintain; longer engagements can prove to be potentially troublesome for Evelyn.

Ladies Do Not Start Fights But They Can Finish Them (Combat Aspect)

Evelyn is a fighter who follows a personal code of honor. She will follow the rules of whatever venue she finds herself fighting in and doesn’t believe in fighting dirty from the start of the fight. This mindset is adhered to as long as her foe does the same. Once an enemy begins to fight dirty, retaliation and similar tactics are morally allowed in Evelyn’s mind. This mindset gives her some flexibility in dealing with the scoundrels who choose to fight dirty but refusing to break honorable combat until her opponent does so can potentially make Evelyn more vulnerable to the first dirty or dishonorable action that they take.

Alongside with her personal code of honor, she avoids killing unless she must. She's never okay to watch life leave someone's eyes.

Skill Feats
Static Feedback Poison Weapons La Resistance I You Got a Bogey On Your Tail Do A Barrel Roll! Who Needs A Tech? Precise Slice Daredevil Keen Mind II
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Envoy's Will Order Feat: Loyalist Smooth Operator II I Can Fix That II Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Shaevalian: Tough Mudders Shaevalian: Not Our Problem Steel Curtain
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Cheunh
  • Thyrsian
  • Botanic Medicine
  • Common and Uncommon Sewing Techniques of the Galaxy
  • Customs, Etiquette, and Mannerisms of Galactic and their Military Cultures
  • Kinesics of Near-Human and Humanoid Species
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Toxicology and its Applications and the Antidotes for Them
Primary Martial Art Echani
Secondary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None