Lieutenant Colonel Jaxues Reymon

Lieutenant Colonel Jaxues Reymon

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Kyuzo, Loyalist, Director
Height: 1.7 m / 5'7" - Weight: 64.0 kg / 141 lbs
Age: 46 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Jaxues Reymon is typical for his species. He is lean and lanky with olive green skin and large yellow eyes.


Lieutenant Colonel Jaxues Reymon has not created any public loadouts yet.

Blind Optimist (General Aspect)

Every legendary story seems to have at least one charming and optimistic character. If that's the case, then it only makes sense that Jaxues Reymon has decided to be that person. After all, if everyone is too busy whining and groaning about the negatives, how will anyone ever reach the positive? True, Jaxues Reymon's constant belief that things will get better can be terribly grating, especially to pessimists or those just level-headed enough to realize when things truly are going downhill, but Jaxues Reymon's constant positive outlook can serve to sometimes spur others to action when it feels like the world just wants them to lay down and die.

How Hard Can It Be! (General Aspect)

Jaxues Reymon always seems to underestimate the gravity of important situations or the difficulty of tasks by about a mile or ten.Jaxues Reymon is a bit of a slacker, never really thinking things all the way through - and it usually comes back to bite him in a wildly comedic way. However, he also tends to not be deterred from things that would often scare others away.

I Am Selfless (Personality Aspect)

The Jedi are selfless, caring only about others. Jaxues Reymon is compassionate, brave and always strives to represent the common good. He tries to help everyone he can, even at his own expense, and is a fine role model for others to follow.

In Shining Armor? (Personality Aspect)

Jaxues Reymon has a knack for making heroic entrances whenever possible. This is actually something he works at, and one of these days, he might just be a little too late.

Dead Sprint (Combat Aspect)

When Jaxues Reymon gets in trouble, he finds no fault in bravely turning tail and getting the hell out of dodge. Obviously, this means that he tends to survive even the most deadly encounters... but the same can't always be said for his compatriots. This fact hasn't exactly made him the most popular among his peers, but hey, at least Jaxues Reymon isn't dead yet.

Bothans Do It From Behind (Combat Aspect)

Jaxues Reymon will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, he will stick to the shadows or cloak themselves in the Force. The less they are seen the better. If they cannot sneak up on someone, then Jaxues Reymon will not bother confronting them.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation Classic Misdirection Is That The Best You Got? Keen Mind II Kernel of Truth Lip Reader La Resistance I Static Feedback Your Reputation Precedes You
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Loyalist Checkmate II Silver Tongue II Kyuzo: Gravity Power Level Kyuzo: Respiratory
  • Basic
  • Kyuzo
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art Imperial Martial Arts System
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None