Legend Arraris Varken

Legend Arraris Varken

Elder 3, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Zabrak, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist
Height: 1.81 m / 5'11" - Weight: 74.0 kg / 163 lbs
Age: 43 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Arraris Varek is lean for a Zabarak with long arms, narrow waist, and strong legs laced with corded muscle and whipcord sinew. Possessing little to no body fat, his muscles flex tautly against his skin with every motion. He has piercing, teal-colored eyes that stand out thanks to the contrast between his white irises and the black tattoos encircling them. The rest of his pale white skin is accented by black facial tattoos comprised of a solid strip stretching from ear to ear across his nose and thin lines in place of conventional eyebrows. He has a pair of faded pink scars on his left cheek that appear to be from some kind of claw. His horns form a crown around the top of his bald head, with two smaller horns pointing away from each other in the middle.

Character Image

Loadout: The Blade
Just A Man, Not a Hero (General Aspect)

For all his fame and notoriety, Arraris Varken is painfully aware that he only has one true calling in life. This morbid pragmatism pushes him to always strive to keep his body in peak condition. Always training, always studying, always working. Always sober by nature of his position and his own standards, he can put on an act in front of the Collective. Yet deep down, he suffers from the same insecurities as anyone else. He often wonders if he truly can defeat any Force User that crosses his path. He embraces his role as a hero of the Collective's efforts, but it really is difficult for him to feel like one at heart.

Chief Guardsman (General Aspect)

Arraris Varken is the leader of Rath Oligard's personal Guard. He earned his position not just for his abilities as a fighter, but for his keen eye for details, sharp wit, This allows him to quickly assess his surroundings, taking note of any entrances, exits, or windows and files them away for use. Always watching, always listening, Arraris is a man of few words and lets his actions speak in his stead. His Guard is loyal to his every command, but others in the Collective ranks wonder how effective of a guard to their fearless leader he could be with such a limited range of melee prowess. Arraris will meet any of these claims without blinking, and to date has not failed in his duties to protect Rath. Failing to uphold his position would be a major blow to Arraris Varken's pride.

Stronger Than You (Personality Aspect)

Arraris Varken, like most loyal to Rath Oligard's cause, has an perverse hatred for Force Users. He especially hates any that haphazardly wield their mythical, glowing blades with any lack of regard or respect for the deadliness of the weapon. This disgust makes it difficult for Arraris Varken to find any kind of middle ground when dealing with a Force User wielding a Lightsaber. His contempt is contagious to the other followers of the Collective and the Guardsman he leads. And when combined with his unwavering confidence, Arraris has the ability actually inspire hope in not through any kind of silver tongue but by his iron-clad belief in being superior to the Force Users.

For the Love of the Duel (Personality Aspect)

Arraris Varken lives and breathes for the thrill of facing down an adversary in a one on one duel. He similarly prides himself on being able to both outwit and out finesse them, and will often go to great lengths to test his mettle against a truly worthy opponent. This can sometimes lead Arraris Varken to lose focus on a mission. It also makes the more chaotic fights often associated with battlefields less appealing and engaging to Arraris Varken, which can lead him not giving maximum effort beyond what is required to get the job done. This also goes to say that Arraris Varken will often fight down to the level of his opponent, painting him on a precarious line between calm confidence and prideful arrogance.

"The Blade" (Combat Aspect)

Arraris Varken was given the moniker "The Blade" by the members of the Collective for his unmatched skill and prowess with his signature weapon: Willbreaker. The Diamond Sword once belonged to a Dark Jedi that Arraris bested in a duel. After seizing the weapon from the defeated warriors cold, clammy grasp, Arraris set to work on training to utilize the uniquely resistant blade against lightsaber practitioners and more specifically, Force users. This, combined with his study of Lightsaber forms and techniques, allows Arraris to quickly identify the various fighting styles his enemies might try and use against him in single combat. Yet while the sword itself doesn't solely define Arraris' talent, he has come to rely on its ability to meet a lightsaber punch for punch, and can be less effective in a duel against a Force User without it.

Two Hands, One Blade (Combat Aspect)

Arraris Varken has perfected a single-handed fighting style that unites the blade with both the body and the mind to create an veritable extension of the wielders very being. By focusing solely on this method of swordplay, he focuses on awareness, timing, and technique over the flare or fervor of dual-weapon style. Beyond that, Arraris Varken has trained to seamlessly transition from his left or right hand at will, allowing for a wider range of unpredictable feints and adaptive counters. Combined with his freakish athleticism, Arraris Varken is deadly with a sword in hand. That said, his tunnel-like focus on this technique has left him lacking at other types of weapons. It also makes him a rather one-dimensional duelist that leaves him exposed to ranged attackers who know better to stay clear of the edge of his sword.

Skill Feats
Fed Troops Happy Troops Assess The Situation You May Have Heard Of Me War Hero Always Have An Exit Poison Weapons Lightning Reflexes Fear Will Keep Them In Line Daredevil The Force is With Me Ambidexterity II You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Zealot Force Wielder Awareness Order Feat: Mercenary Proficiency III Medley III Zabrak: I Always Know Better Zabrak: Didn't Hurt!
  • Basic
  • Zabraki
  • Counter-Force User Tactics and Techniques
  • Lightsaber Forms and Techniques
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Whiptree
Secondary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Primary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Blunt
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None