Raider Siceeni Viz

Raider Siceeni Viz

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Aleena, Mercenary, Scoundrel
Height: 0.9 m / 2'11" - Weight: 40.8 kg / 90 lbs
Age: 27 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Tall for his species, Siceeni struts very proudly for it. He possesses a more common shade of turquoise-gray scaling, though his face is pale where the sides of his head and flanks are particularly dark and mottled. His wide eyes sparkle blue with a surprising malice, matching the slimy, many-toothed razor smile usually spreading his snout.

Loadout: Regular
Say Hello to My Little Friends (General Aspect)

Siceeni was nevermuch friends with members of his own species, nevermind any others. He always found other Aleena to be terribly dim and hyperactive, preferring much higher intellectual pursuits and thinking himself quite above his fellows and anyone else with a brain. Instead, he found companionship with animals, specifically his most favorite porgs. To him they are family — and sometimes snacks — and he treats them with all the care one would a child. He talks to them, shares his home with them, and spends most of his downtime with his pets. Anyone who besmirches them or his behavior will be on the receiving end of his mighty wrath and mightier plots — which, according to the feedback from his porgs, are all completely flawless! Additionally, Sici is antisocial towards most anyone else, and responds badly to being questioned or judged.

But I Know That You Know (General Aspect)

Due to his own self-imposed isolation growing up and his tumultuous thought process, Siceeni got into the habit of narrating to himself. Generally, he can always be found muttering under his breath or talking to himself as any great and misunderstood mind of a generation would. Sometimes, of course, the behavior runs away from him, especially when the Aleena gets anxious or overly excited, having never been part of a group of "friends" before and wanting to make Capital Enterprises proud. In these instances, his narrations grow louder and more overdramatic, bordering on disruptive. If he is not careful, Sici can end up outright monologuing instead of just narrating as he works, halting productivity.

Inconceivable (Personality Aspect)

No trait better describes Siceeni Viz than confidence. The man has an overabundance of it, and is very keen on letting everyone know. Deeply self-assured, he goes about his days as if walking on air and without a care in the world, only devolving into quick and fierce anger when other, dumber people get in his way. He can become instantly frustrated with just about anyone who is moving more slowly than he likes or who disrespects him, but tries to regain his composure just as rapidly, not wanting to look ruffled. Sici's confidence is not entirely unearned, as evident by his various skills and deep pockets, but it is overblown, and the Aleena can be absolutely, utterly, completely assured of his own rightness when he is in fact very, very wrong.

Wine of Violet (Personality Aspect)

Poisonous and prideful, Siceeni has no qualms about using anything or anyone, especially not people. His cares are very selfish, limited to him, the money he can make, and his animal friends. Everyone else is trash for the compactor. Sici will just as easily stick a knife in a stranger's back as his mother's — not that he was convicted for that one, thank you. As much as Sici adores himself, however, his vanity in everything from his intellect to his appearance and his riches and property makes him very hard to like, having forgotten many of the traits that make one humane. He treats others as blips passing in time while he strives to immortalize himself, and makes many enemies in doing so.

A Battle of Wits (Combat Aspect)

Siceeni, being the masterful strategist that he is, tends to come up with convoluted, deadly puzzles for his adversaries, based on his assumption that none can challenge his towering intellect. While many of his plans actually have a chance at being terribly dangerous for those that stumble into any part of them — from the acid showers to the rigged mines or the attack dogs — their overly elaborate whole tends to distract Sici, and he can focus too much on trying to guide his opponents through his entire "production" as opposed to executing them when he has a prime chance. Simplicity alludes him, something the wiser adversary may take advantage of.

One of the Classic Blunders (Combat Aspect)

Every trick and advantage is a more masterful move, and Siceeni employees every one in the datacron when he's got a job to do. Specially crafted poisons are always worked into his repertoire, usually more than one at a time to be safe, and the man is never without a squad of hirelings and goons to accomplish the dirtier peasant work, like hauling hostages or climbing cliffs. While Sici is extremely good at setting up multiple failsafes before he himself must confront an opponent, however, and is extremely good at talking people around to his point of view or tricking them into a false sense of security, he tends to assume too much of others; he often hires people who aren't as loyal as he believes, and faces enemies who aren't as dumb as he thinks. His arrogance often blinds him to countless vulnerabilities.

Skill Feats
True Colors Assess The Situation Cry No More Constant Vigilance Linguistic Liar Your Reputation Precedes You Elusive Prey Disarming Smile
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Mercenary Aleena: Bite Size Aleena: Nine Lives Intergalactic II Fly Casual II Diamond Cutter Force Wielder Awareness
  • Aleena
  • Basic
  • Galactic Economics
  • Galactic Politics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Porg feeding, breeding, and care
  • Sociology
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Underworld Contacts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None