Character Snapshot (Lieutenant Colonel Des Darryn)

Character Snapshot for Savant Des Darryn (2020/11/21, Reaver Freylia Shanfe vs. Savant Des Darryn)

Savant Des Darryn

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Clawdite, Force Disciple, Juggernaut
Height: 1.88 m / 6'2" - Weight: 80.0 kg / 176 lbs
Age: 29 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Des Darryn is a tall Clawdite with light, mint green skin and bright golden eyes. He is broad-shouldered and heavy-set, his body rippling with thick muscle. He is covered from head to toe in thin, whispy scars and his skin is rough and calloused. He is missing a few inches off his left ring finger and his nose is set wrong from an old injury, making it crooked.

Loadout: Bardbarian (Snapshot)
Adventurer (General Aspect)

Des is an adrenaline junkie and a thrill-seeker, rarely turning down a chance for danger and adventure. Whether it's answering a cry for help in a dark alleyway, signing up for a heist with a crew of smugglers, or hunting big game with an outfit of Trandoshans, Des never misses the chance to take center stage and make his own story.

Bard (General Aspect)

Des Darryn has dedicated his life to the pursuit of song and poetry. He wanders the galaxy—using his talents to help pay his way— seeking grand stories to tell and heroes to write about. Often he'll take advantage of his skills as a Clawdite, transforming into the characters of his stories as he tells them to further immerse his audience.

Des is always searching for inspiration he travels from world to world, wandering the bars and marketplaces and taking in the local culture. He's always on the lookout for something to write about, and will chase down any interesting leads he picks up. He never stays for long before wanderlust takes him to his next destination.

...And a Fighter (Personality Aspect)

Des's blood runs hot and passionate like his poetry. While naturally good-natured and friendly, he has a short temper and a prickly pride which often lead to a brawl. Whether it's over an insult, a woman, or just because he felt like a challenge, Des is always ready and willing for a good fight.

A Lover... (Personality Aspect)

Being an artistic soul at heart, Des has an abiding weakness for the finer things in life. He loves to party, and always has a cheerful smile on his face. He drinks and gambles, singing and dancing the night away until he runs out of money and is forced to go home. Perhaps most deadly of these interests, however, is a weakness for beautiful and exotic women. He is easily taken in by a pretty face or a sob story, a habit which has landed him in more trouble than almost anything else.

Barbarian (Combat Aspect)

Despite his artistic sensibilities, Des is not a delicate or especially cunning fighter. He believes wholeheartedly in laying his cards on the table and getting stuck in for a good old fashioned brawl. He sees a simplicity and beauty in matching strength with his opponent man-on-man. He'll charge his opponent with a grin on his face and a howl at the back of his throat, willing to give his all.

Let's Make This Interesting! (Combat Aspect)

When Des fights, he isn't simply out to win, he's out to have a good time first and foremost. He won't take easy victories, and if necessary will handicap himself or aid his opponent to make a fight more fair and interesting.

Skill Feats
Your Reputation Precedes You
Force Feats
Saber Throw Accelerated Healing I I Know That Feel, Bro Rampage I
Granted Feats
Iron Pillar II Clawdite: Genetic Manipulation Surge II Order Feat: Force Disciple Clawdite: Pragmatic
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Clawdite
  • Classic Literature
  • Galactic Mythology
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None