Raider Manu Maurfai

Raider Manu Maurfai

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Twi'lek, Mercenary, Director
Height: 1.87 m / 6'2" - Weight: 86.0 kg / 190 lbs
Age: 43 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Manu Maurfai is an overweight and flabby, adult male Twi'lek. His skin is a pale green color. He has brown eyes that sit in darkened sockets. Like all Twi'leks, Manu lacks hair. Instead, his two lekku are short with dark green lines streaking from their base towards the top of his head.


Raider Manu Maurfai has not created any public loadouts yet.

Problem Solver (General Aspect)

Manu Maurfai looks at any problem he comes across and instead of immediately complaining about it sets out to figuring out a solution. He will work tirelessly to find workarounds or a solution, but can often overthink the resolution and come up with a "fix" that is actually more complex than needed. This driven approach to fixing problems can be helpful at times but grating at others when a simple "restart" would have accomplished the task quicker than re-programming the entire device.

Prideful (General Aspect)

Despite whatever all his other characteristics may convey, Manu Maurfai retains the air of a person that is confident, if not arrogant. Minor (and often, major) things in his body language - his walk, his stance, his expressions - reveal these feelings. At times, it seems he borders upon narcissism, especially judging from how much he enjoys his own company.

Heavy Handed (Personality Aspect)

Manu Maurfai is not afraid to exploit any advantage or position of power he has when dealing with others, and relies on a combination of fear, intimidation, manipulation and shows of strength to convince others to compromise and lose. Manu Maurfai can be quite callous in his dealings with others, and never gives up his power. This has earned Manu Maurfai with the reputation of a “bully” and can often make negotiations difficult before they even begin.

All Who Gain Power... (Personality Aspect)

All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Manu Maurfai is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Manu Maurfai, however, knows that these are just points of view. He is on a quest for greater power, and uses all his skills and abilities to ensure his supremacy, regardless of the consequences.

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (Combat Aspect)

If Manu Maurfai had been in Greedo’s shoes, Han Solo would be pushing up daisies. He almost always acts on instinct, which typically means he can be seen as impulsive and may not think his actions through, especially in situations during or leading up to combat.

Dirty Fighter (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to a fight, some like to posture, some like to act tough, some like to dance around and go through all sorts of fancy footwork. Manu Maurfai? Manu Maurfai doesn't bother with exotic battle stances, intricate maneuvers, or super-secret tactics. Manu Maurfai, when cornered into a fight, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Manu Maurfai isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, Manu Maurfai won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Manu Maurfai will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation Elusive Prey I See What You Did There Sociopath You Can't Stop The Signal The System, Is Down Run And Gun I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Force Wielder Awareness Silver Tongue II Checkmate II Twi'lek: Just The Tips Twi'lek: Talk Lekku To Me Order Feat: Mercenary
  • Basic
  • Twi'leki
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None