Character Snapshot (Master Draca Zul)

Character Snapshot for Reaver Darrio Klars (2023/04/10, Reaver Darrio Klars vs. Corsair Foxen Erinos)

Reaver Darrio Klars

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Mercenary, Hunter
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 82.07 kg / 181 lbs
Age: 36 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Darrio Klars is a tall Human male sporting a slender body build. This Mandalorian has a pale complexion that gives his blue eyes a heavy visage. His ashen brown hair is unkempt, generally untidy and stretches down to his neck.

This Mandalorian has long arms and legs thanks to his natural height. On Darrio's face is a groomed beard the same colour as his hair which stretches across his face. It is neatly shaven upon his face.

Distinguishable Marks

Darrio's left arm has been completely replaced at the shoulder by a cybernetic replacement.

Loadout: Darrio Klars (Snapshot)
Alor (General Aspect)

Formerly of Clan Klars of Mandalore, Darrio Klars fought and clawed his ways up the Clan hierarchy until he was named Alor, or leader. Unfortunately, the destruction of the Clan left Darrio's ego and pride battered, broken, and ruined with nearly everyone he loved dead and gone.

As such, Darrio used to purposefully avoid forming intimate friendships and relationships with those he interacts with. He simply didn't want to feel that loss again, and deep down, he was simply fearful of becoming attatched, even if he refused to admit it. Time is a great healer though, and he is improving, slowly beginning to open his heart again, if slowly.

Mando'ade (General Aspect)

Like some Mandalorians, Darrio Klars had built a fierce reputation for himself in the galaxy for his brutal efficiency at completing, and tracking down the contracts and quarry he takes on. Darrio is a follower of the Mandalorian Creed, and these traits have served to only increase his reputation among other Mandalorians in the galaxy.

Though truth be told, Darrio cares little for any of that, and simply exists to support himself and his Foundling daughter in any way he can.

Sulla (Personality Aspect)

Darrio considers himself to be the proud father of his Foundling daughter, Sulla.

She is the first ray of hope to enter his life in a long time, and he is super protective of her, to the point of overprotectiveness. She is a big influence on him, and Darrio finds himself calmer, and thinking more responsibly with her in his presence.

Despite this, old habits die hard. Darrio can be a rather spiteful individual thanks to personal trauma, often saying things to upset others because he can or because he can get away with it. He often has trouble making friends because of this.

Pirur (Personality Aspect)

Darrio Klars is burdened with the very real problem of wanting just "one more drink" when in reality, he probably should have stopped five pints prior.

Alcohol is a coping method for this Mandalorian, and so long as he has a drink in his hand in-between jobs, he's content and amicable. However, short stints without any kind of alcoholic beverage will lead to Darrio becoming grouchy, antisocial, and downright aggressive against his better judgement.

Beroya (Combat Aspect)

In combat, Darrio Klars is about as ruthless and aggressive as one would expect a Mandalorian to be. He takes full advantage of his Mandalorian Vambraces, and Amban Rifle. those weapons are his go too in order to start any fight. He uses the thin grappling line to bind opponents, the flamethrower to subdue them, the poison darts to neutralizer them, and the blasters to kill or disintegrate if need be.

However, the vambraces themselves require Darrio to fight in a more mid-close range proximity in order to make use of most of its features, and the Amban is trickier to use in close range. As such, if his equipment is damaged by an opponent, his combat style suffers as a result.

Baach'nal Core (Combat Aspect)

Sometimes, someone's greatest weakness can simultaneously become one of their greatest strengths. Darrio specialises as a close range combatant, using his proficiency in Mandalorian Core to effectively subdue his targets. However, under the effects of poisons or alcohol, this turns into the art of Baach'nal. When using these techniques, Darrio is highly unpredictable, sporadic, and unrelenting in his assault until his opponent has been beaten.

However, Darrio has very little regard his own safety, especially when intoxicated. This leaves him open to potentially devastating blows that could have been avoided if he was more cautious.

Skill Feats
Quick Draw Second Skin I Second Skin II Lightning Reflexes You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die Drunken Master Run And Gun La Resistance I Poison Weapons
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Steel Curtain Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Mercenary Tools Of The Trade II On The Trail II
  • Basic
  • Mando'a
  • Alcoholic Drinks and Mixes.
  • Anti-Force User Tactics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mandalorian Clan Structure and Hierarchy
  • Mandalorian Creed & Way of the Manda'lor
  • Navigation within the Mines of Mandalore
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Miscellaneous
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None