Character Snapshot (Vice General Rhylance)

Character Snapshot for Seer Aiden Lee Deshra (2018/09/13, Mystic Jael Chi'ra vs. Seer Aiden Lee Deshra)

Seer Aiden Lee Deshra

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker
Height: 1.83 m / 6'0" - Weight: 86.18 kg / 190 lbs
Age: 25 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Aiden stands tall with a lean, toned body that appears weaker than it really is. His face is narrow and soft with high cheekbones. He has medium length black hair that he pulls into a ponytail except for one stray tendril that curls alongside his left jawline. Streaks of silver can be seen throughout the locks. His eyes are a brilliant blue-green that glow almost with luminescence, and there is a scar just beneath his left eye that looks as if it as carved from a very sharp claw.

Aiden has a few tattoos over his body. As a proud high ranking member of the Inquisitorious, he has a large sigil tattoo on his back. His right pec is tattoo'd with the Mandalorian Sigil, and his right arm is sleeved with tribal sigils.

His left arm has been replaced with a cybernetic limb, decorated with horizontal metallic plates that have been shined and sheened to a brilliant silver gloss. Emblazoned on his cybernetic limbs shoulder is the sigil for The Balance.

Loadout: Aiden(Grey) (Snapshot)
The Force In “Balance” (General Aspect)

From a young age Aiden was raised to follow both the Light, and the Dark sides of the Force. His belief in the “Balance” is so strong it borders on religion. His respect for the Force is so strong that it has even influenced his way of thinking about life. The “Balance” brings life, therefore all life is sacred. Aiden understands though, that death for some must be swift and severe and when the situation calls for it, he will return those few to the Force. When he must take a life, Aiden will do so swiftly, cleanly, and as painlessly as possible. When this option is an impossibility, Aiden can become torn, causing him to question himself.

Loyalty Like Broken Glass (General Aspect)

Aiden had been loyal to his Clan and the Inquisitorious, but after being betrayed by both his sense of trust has been shattered. Acting more guarded around his new Clan in Arcona, Aiden will always put the mission first, at least until new bonds could be formed.

His untrusting demeanor may come off as abrasive, but a need to protect his Clan still lies beneath his surface. When the going gets tough, he will protect his associates, but he never lets his guard down around them.

Objectively Driven (Personality Aspect)

Aiden is somewhat of a free spirit, and he fully embraces this when not on a mission. He enjoys having fun, sometimes at the cost of others, and generally wants to be laid back and have a good time. This can sometimes make his ally’s unable to take him seriously, causing them to question his commitment. This all changes when he’s on a mission. Aiden becomes a silent calculating individual motivated by one factor: success. Aiden will do whatever it takes to succeed in his objective. This may cause him to seem cold, and disconnected from his allies.

We All Have A Dark Side. (Personality Aspect)

Aiden Lee resides in the Light Side of the Force. He has always been a kind, though at times sarcastic, person. He keeps his head calm and relaxed through vigorous meditation. Aiden loathes rude behavior, and even in combat, while he may joke with his opponent, he never stoops down to insulting them. All light casts shadows though, and Aiden will willingly step into the Dark when the situation calls for it. He will embrace the dark, without fear, but if he isn't careful, he risks allowing himself to be corrupted by it. When corrupted by the darkness that lies in his heart, Aiden becomes cruel, and unmerciful, with one thing on his mind. Returning his enemies to the Force.

A Flair For Silence (Combat Aspect)

If his time in the Inquisitorius has taught Aiden anything, it is secrecy and stealth. When engaging his opponents, Aiden will try to take the advantage through surprise attacks with his hidden weaponry or discrete Force ability. He always attempts a stealthy approach when on assignment, trying to take out his mark quickly before being noticed.

If stealth fails and Aidan is forced into open melee combat, his talents in Makashi will normally see his way through, with his shoto saber as a reserve resource for a surprise attack. However, his choice for stealth can be a detriment, as it typically means he works alone, and his isolation can leave him vulnerable when his defenses fail or if he is caught abruptly or unawares in the open, without the advantage of surprise. This conflates with his tendency to slip into a battle lust with no one there to support him.

A Lust For Battle (Combat Aspect)

Aiden was raised under Mandalorian customs of combat. As such he enjoys a good battle, sometimes too much. Since training under the Inquisitorius, Aiden has learned control over his desire for combat. Years of disciplined training have molded Aiden into an adept fighter. Fighting is an art form, not just a show of strength. When in battle, Aiden is able to keep his cool and his wits about him. His movements are precise and controlled, allowing him to limit the amount of energy he exerts with his movements. However, the longer the battle goes on, or the more challenging the opponent, the more Aiden falls into his Mandalorian ways. Taking too much pleasure in his combat skills leads Aiden into a “Battle Lust” where his movements become far wilder. He loses self-control, exerting more force and energy than needed, and if not careful, leave more openings for injury.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity II Won't Attract The Worm
Force Feats
Telekinetic Strike III Reflexive Counter Saber Throw Dominate Mind
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Force Disciple Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Force Interrogation II Seeking II Steel Curtain
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Jar'Kai