Character Snapshot (Reaver Orimis Helix)

Character Snapshot for Major Gron Bok (2020/06/17, Major Gron Bok vs. Colonel Lazarus)

Major Gron Bok

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Ithorian, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist
Height: 2.1 m / 6'11" - Weight: 154.0 kg / 340 lbs
Age: 44 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Character Details

Your typical ladle-headed Ithorian, Gron Bok is a lumbering giant. Brown flesh has tones of beige and the bulbous eyes on either side of his hammered out cranium which extends from a large humped back, are a light green. A deceptively powerful frame carries his mass with little effort and his large stumpy feet keep him solidly grounded.

Loadout: Guardian Of The Amber Leaf (Snapshot)
Resourceful Researcher (General Aspect)

Gron Bok's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Gron Bok has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Gron Bok a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...

Tree-hugger (General Aspect)

Gron Bok stays true to Ithorian philosophies pertaining to life and nature. A Vatali preservationist and botanist, he is wildly protective of the environment, if and when wildlife or habitats are threatened, he will gladly shed his pacifistic nature for a more battle-ready and aggressive stance. This fierce loyalty has even made him lash out at those lacking respect and reverence for Galactic environs.

All Work, No Play (Personality Aspect)

Gron Bok considers his work to be the most important aspect of his life. This borderline obsessions with the "job" leaves little room for any kind of personal or social life, making it difficult for Gron Bok to relax and enjoy spending time with others. he excels in activities that relate to their work, but the idea of work-life balance is an altogether abstract concept.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Gron Bok's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. He becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Once More Unto The Breach (Combat Aspect)

Born with an intractable will and limitless courage, Gron Bok will stand in the face of insurmountable odds and never retreat. Despite the fact that such acts of heedless bravery are inspiring and will sometimes result in victories worthy of song, just as often they result in his allies getting wounded or killed.

Turtle Turret (Combat Aspect)

Gron Bok has sharpened his combat prowess through military training offered by Odan-Urr forces. He has evolved from a pacifistic botanist to a threatening combatant of which he is a natural, despite his upbringing. Preferring ranged combat and heavy weaponry, Gron Bok has incorporated a riot shield into his arsenal, using it as cover, a stationary barricade to fire from, bashing through the enemy, or simply slinging it onto his back for added protections from behind. With versatile applications, he is quite the spectacle. Unfortunately this method keeps his hands busy, making it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything else without sacrificing his gear.

Skill Feats
Active Reload Assess The Situation Second Skin I Just The Two Of Us I Droid Whisperer Ivory Tower No Scope
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Loyalist Medley II Proficiency II Ithorian: Make Me Wanna Shout Ithorian: Slow On The Draw
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Ithorese
  • Biology
  • Botany/Horticulture
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Terraforming R&D
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Blunt
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None