Character Snapshot (Warlord Rorot)

Character Snapshot for Battlelord Vorare (2022/11/17, Battlelord Vorare vs. Battlelord Hector Von Ricmore)

Battlelord Vorare

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Dashade, Sith, Shadow
Height: 2.0 m / 6'7" - Weight: 155.0 kg / 342 lbs
Age: 65 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

A Dashade, Vorare is a terror to behold. He has a staggering muscular build, a lamprey styled mouth - lined with sharp teeth, clawed hands with blackened nails, and charcoal gray skin as some of his most distinguishing features. Taking things further, his smooth and hairless torso, arms, legs, and back are tattooed with the deepest black ink of Dathomir. These tattoos include incantations, symbolism, and runes. While these dominate the overall theme of his skin-art, he has since intermingled Ancient Sith designs. In addition, fused directly into his forehead is a circular Sith rune, surrounded by scarring. His eyes are a rich, blood red, outlined by fierce orange that resemble rings of fire.

Loadout: Eater Of Worlds (Snapshot)
Starving (General Aspect)

Vorare has an ever growing hunger that can never be satiated. Nicknamed the Devourer, or the Eater Of Worlds, his main desire is to feast on the essence of the living. In ingesting beings of superiority and influence, he believes with unwavering certainty that he is also absorbing their power. Of course, intellects of the Galaxy will argue the impossibility of such a concept, Vorare religiously seeks to become a supreme being. This drive puts anyone on the menu which can be unnerving when in his intimidating and gluttonous presence.

Bewitched (General Aspect)

Dathomiri magik has brought to life many creations deemed, unnatural, or perverse. Vorare is one such creature. While awakened on Antei and raised in the Shadow Academy of Lyspair, he was unnaturally altered and reborn on Dathomir. Uncertainty surrounds the procedures performed on Vorare while on the enigmatic world but memories of his time there typically flash through his mind in the form of incomplete or incoherent imagery. Waking nightmares that have left lasting mental scarring on him as he relives the traumatic yet empowering experience.

You've Failed Me For the Last Time (Personality Aspect)

Vorare possesses a cold and completely uncaring demeanour. This will manifest itself in the fact that when push comes to shove, Vorare will just as soon leave a struggling ally behind rather than put themselves in danger. While this may ensure his survival, it often leaves him as an outcast amongst his peers.

All Who Gain Power... (Personality Aspect)

All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Vorare is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Vorare, however, knows that these are just points of view. He is on a quest for greater power, and uses all his skills and abilities to ensure his supremacy, regardless of the consequences.

Minister of War (Combat Aspect)

Vorare is utterly devoted to success in combat, no matter the mission, no matter the cost. He has spent his life building himself in the image of war, utilizing a dogmatic regimen that has lead him to a single-minded obsession with military success and requires intense physical and mental training. This training, however, has come at the cost of anything resembling empathy or concern for others - even his superiors and subordinates.

Shadow-Walker (Combat Aspect)

Vorare likes attacking from the darkness as much as he enjoys basking in it. For his size, he is difficult to detect and even more difficult to combat, especially in low-light conditions. Utilizing Blackness in conjunction with Shadow Step, Vorare can typically incapacitate a threat while going unnoticed. However, the conditions must be just right as many of his Shadow techniques can fall short of success in well lit venues or against other Force attuned beings.

Skill Feats
Flex This Hard
Force Feats
Darksight Debilitating Fear Dun Moch Force Drain II False Cloak
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Faceless II Ghosting II Dashade: Shadow Killer Dashade: Devourer
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Dashadi
  • Ancient Sith History, Culture and Empire
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Sith Alchemy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None