Sprightly and athletic, with a gleam of fire in her golden eyes, it takes all but one glance to tell that this young lass is a passionate, natural-born warrior. She carries her small, well-defined frame with the prowling grace of a feline, moving with swift, precise movements and a sway of her hips. Her black hair, regularly dyed a vivid jade, is worn in a stacked bob, cut longer at the chin and shorter towards the back with a braid making its way around her crown, giving the hairstyle volume. Despite her Kiffar heritage, her soft, beautiful features do not bear the species’ traditional markings. Instead, her olive skin sports multiple tattoos, prominent over her arms and on the right side of her neck, a whimsical fresco of flowers, creatures, and abstract patterns, drawn in fuchsia and turquoise and gold, in blues and reds and so many more. Simply put, Kaela Val is, quite literally, a splash of colors.
Kaela Val is subject to an aberrant but powerful connection to the Force which strains the limits of her body and left her wrought with sickness in her youth. Training in the ways of the Force has allowed her to appease her symptoms. This connection explains why Kaela holds the potential to rival an elder in power despite her young age, even if she lacks their experience and spiritual knowledge. Though she has learned to wield key powers strategically, her training is limited and much of her use of Force is reflexive and instinctive as a result of her inexperience.
Early in her training, Kaela discovered that she was particularly adept at tapping into and influencing another’s mind. Once aware of this, telepathy and the mind trick became the focal point of her practice. In time she learned to sway multiple individuals at once and even dominate a sentient being’s free will, pushing them to commit acts that go against their self-preservation. With further attempts, she also learned to control creatures though she did so with less facility. These abilities led to growing distrust amongst her peers, especially those who witnessed the gruesome results when she exerts her will over one’s mind.
For all her apparent confidence and pep, there is a sense of vulnerability to Kaela Val. Beneath the hardened look, the paint and the grime of a hard life lies the wayward spirit of a young adult who has seen too much in her years. This young lass wears her emotions on her sleeves, uninhibited and raw. Passionate to a fault, her smile will shine brightly with her joy and her eyes will blaze with her anger. Few are as true and honest to themselves as Kaela. This can be turned to her advantage. By feigning emotions and behaving against expectations, she can mislead her peers. Though effective as a tool for manipulation, the ruse may leave her feeling a sense of guilt, especially when used on those she cares about.
Growing up with a bounty hunter for a father, Kaela came to view morality as a malleable concept. Though she always tried to sway her father to do the right thing, one could not deny his own influence on her. His line of work and the choices he was forced to make informed much of her worldview. What is right? Do the ends justify the means? Does all life truly deserve to be protected? The answer is different on any given day based on her state of mind and the amount of pressure she is under. Life has eroded her notion of being a good person and as she makes her own way she finds herself perplexed and impressionable. To her peers, this makes her unpredictable.
As the daughter of a bounty hunter, it was inevitable that Kaela would learn to defend herself. She discovered early on that her natural athleticism and mobility elevated her a cut above the average fighter. Whatever she lacks in strength, she makes up for with lightning-fast footwork and near impossible acrobatics, two abilities that shine in her expert handling of a lightsaber. As an adherent of Juyo, she is aggressive and relentless in her approach. She aims to overwhelm her adversaries through a barrage of high octane strikes while weaving offensive telekinesis into her form. Her use of a conversion hilt makes her even more unpredictable as she switches seamlessly from a double-bladed lightsaber to dual blades then back. As she relies on raw emotion to fuel her fighting style, she risks flying into a rage, endangering herself, her allies, and taxing her body in the process.
A strong connection to the Force only gets you so far without training. Lacking the long term practice of elders, Kaela tends to unleash her powers instinctively, sometimes even by accident. As her emotions boil over, she has been known to unleash an involuntary blast of Force Lightning with unfortunate results. While she has come to master the use of amplification and become adept at wielding telekinesis, she tends to weave these into her fighting style instinctively without considering actual strategy. Kaela is less inclined to call upon her mind tricks when her instincts have taken over, though she may use them to try and deceive her enemies when she is more composed.
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | K'thri |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form VII (Juyo) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |