Department of Lore

Department Info

The courses in this department will focus on the lore and history of not only the Dark Brotherhood but also the Star Wars universe as a whole.

Alchemy Studies

In this course, students will find an in-depth study of Force Alchemy, the process of using Mechu-deru, Sith swords, Jedi Alchemy, and everything in between. This course will give you access to the Official Alchemy Guide of the Dark Brotherhood (also known as the Codex of Zhesos), and the exam at its conclusion will test your knowledge.

This course is DEPRECATED and will be removed or replaced in the near future.

philosophy and alchemy

Astronomy Studies

This course has been created in order to give you an opportunity to learn the details of astronomy, including galactic distances, types of stars, planets, and other galactic phenomena.

ships and astronomy and canon

Dark Brotherhood History 101

An introduction to the history of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood from the discovery of the Antei System and creation of the Shroud to its development and eventual exodus from the Emperor’s Hammer.

This course is DEPRECATED and will be removed or replaced in the near future.

history and basics

Dark Brotherhood History 102

A continued look at the history of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood from its exodus from the Emperor’s Hammer through the invasion of an unknown alien species, incursions against the Jedi of Odan-Urr, the eradication of the Krath and Obelisk orders, the establishment of a new home and a new enemy.

This course is DEPRECATED and will be removed or replaced in the near future.

Prerequisites: Dark Brotherhood History 101

basics, lore, and history

Galactic Languages

There are a multitude of languages used by countless species across the galaxy. This course teaches you about a few of the most prominent ones, as well as about their use in the galaxy at large.

lore and canon

Mandalorian Culture Studies

Culture, creed and code are what make a Mandalorian, though each has been a subject of controversy and evolution over the people’s long history. This course will explore those aspects of Mandalorian society and look at the notable Mandalorians who have made their mark upon the galaxy.

Philosophy I: Views of the Force

This course will provide you with some basic knowledge on the predominant views on the Force, as well as supporting material to explain their relevance in the galaxy at large.

Philosophy II: Cults of the Force

There are various sects which use the Force and each takes a subtly different view of the Force as a whole. This course has been designed to give students valuable insight into the history, location, and characteristics of a few of the most notable sects and traditions.

Races and Species

There are countless species throughout the known galaxy. A few have even been influential within the Brotherhood itself. Over this course, you will learn about a number of the species that have taken so great a part in the formation of our history and that of the galaxy as a whole.

Galactic History 101 - The Era of the Old Republic

This course covers all current material available concerning the early, known galactic history during the Era of the Old Republic, including the creation of the Jedi and the Sith and the death of Darth Bane.

history and canon

Galactic History 102 - Twilight of the Galactic Republic

This course covers the history of the galaxy from the formation to the dissolution of the Galactic Republic.

history and canon

Galactic History 103 - Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire

In this course, we will cover the short and eventful lifespan of the Galactic Empire, the major actors that shaped the body politic, and the major civil war that finally led to its downfall.

Last updated by Alethia Archenksova on 20 July 2024.

history and canon

Galactic History 104 - Ascendance of the First Order

The final course of the series covers the end of the Galactic Civil War, the trials of the New Republic, and the rise of the First Order to power and conflict.

Mandalorian History 101

Discover the history of the Mandalorians from their beginnings as warrior crusaders during the Mandalorian Expansion through their war with the Jedi and the civil wars that led to the rise and fall of various factions and philosophies through the end of the Clone Wars.

Planets and Moons

This course provides you with more detailed information about important planets and moons in the Galaxy.

ships and astronomy and canon

Regions of the Galaxy

In the vacuum of space is a galaxy of billions of planets connected together by a superhighway of trade routes. At the center of this galaxy is the Deep Core with ever expanding regions moving outward like the rings of a tree. These regions define the personalities and characteristics of their inhabitants. We will discuss and review what the differences between the regions of the galaxy are and how the galaxy evolves as we move out from the Core.

Course written by Zed and Qor Kith on 26 August 2014.

ships and astronomy and canon