Warlord Surpantine vs. Seer Kelly Mendes

Warlord Surpantine

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Pau'an, Sith, Seeker

Seer Kelly Mendes

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Human, Force Disciple, Seeker

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warlord Surpantine, Seer Kelly Mendes
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Surpantine's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Seer Kelly Mendes's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Naboo: Jan-gwa City
Last Post 10 August, 2018 12:32 PM UTC
Member timing out /acc/battles/1243

Naboo Jan-gwa City

Unlike the Gungan’s submerged capital below Naboo, Jan-gwa rests partially underwater; the majority of the city remaining above the water’s surface. A waterfall runs along the cliffs behind Jan-gwa, creating a veil of mist around the base of the city’s rounded platforms. Nocturnally illuminated, domed structures encompass the center of each platform and are home to Jan-gwa’s Gungan inhabitants. Some of the these structures extend below the water’s surface, creating an anchor that keeps Jan-gwa from floating with the currents and provides shelter to hundreds of Gungans.

Etched into the cliff walls are several faces of unknown origin. Resembling a humanoid with unembellished features, these carvings are not reminiscent of the city’s Gungan inhabitants—perhaps an indication that some other civilization might have resided near the floating city.

Darkness had fallen upon Naboo, and Kelly was in the thick of it. She’d only arrived recently with Taranae, her wife. The redhead from Naboo suggested they check out the Gungan Jan-gwa City. So they had, and Taranae, who had been tired out, was sleeping in their rented accommodation while Kelly went out. She had chosen to wear a black double-breasted dress tunic bearing the insignia for her position as Quaestor and trousers with black gauntlets. A black duty belt with silver buckle held up the pants, and black leather riding boots with a clasp at the front stretched around the ankle.

The city was beautifully illuminated at night, standing out from the distant forest, attracting settlers and visitors alike. The Plagueian had needed this retreat before she returned to active duty after lending her protective services to the Voice, per her request with the Grand Master's Royal Guard. As the artificial breeze swept over Kelly, she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. She knew Taranae was in the city, but there was another dark presence within the confines of the settlement. Kelly hadn't heard anything about this before, but who, or whatever it was, was not far away. Kelly made a mental note that she would have to have to find and remove the presence, lest it cause a mess within Taranae's volatile mind.

The Quaestor quieted her mind, demanding total concentration from herself to focus in enough effort to be able to locate the source of the darkness. The Human female wrestled with her mind to quieten the nearby distractions in an attempt to identify the source of the dark aura. After much struggling, she had found it: an unusually large Pau'an, who appeared to be similarly strolling the streets, for what reason Kelly didn't yet know. The presence was radiating off this man. Kelly kept her distance initially, not wanting to provoke a confrontation before she had a clearer picture of what was going on.

Suddenly, the figure stopped and turned to face Kelly, and drew a pair of lightsabers from its waist. Kelly pulled her whips, and the two squared off.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Kelly looked sternly into the Pau'an's eyes as she spoke. She cared more about this being interrupting her wife’s rest than any reason the man had for being on Naboo.

"It's none of your concern, worm. My business is my own." Surpatine wasn't going to reveal his motives unless he felt like it benefited him.

Kelly scowled as she began lashing out with her whips, trying to end the conflict quickly. Despite his age, Surpatine was quick enough to avoid the initial strikes, ever so slightly stepping backwards, the tips of the whips narrowly missing his long, gaunt arms. A toothy, razor-sharp grin spread across the Pau'an's face. He appeared to be amused by Kelly's initial strategy.

The Quaestor had to try something else. It was as if her opponent was able to know what she had planned moments before she executed it. There was a counter to that, a potentially destructive one, not that Kelly minded destruction. Entirely the opposite was the truth: she loved it. The woman would have to focus on the moment, surrendering control of her body to the Force itself. The Plagueian closed her eyes for a moment, giving her undivided attention to the source of her power. She could hear Surpatine advancing, hoping to take advantage of what appeared to be his foe's lack of concentration. Kelly flicked her wrists, the unstable purple cord aimed low while the fire orange tendril of the other whip aimed high. Surpatine tried his best to jump between the wires pulsing with electric energy to land what would surely be a fatal blow. Unluckily for him, he was just too big to pull it off, and he was sent clumsily tumbling through the air as the lower of the metal wires slammed into his ankle, causing a bout of energy to produce a spasm in his left foot. The lanky Taldryanite was able to rotate his body enough to roll and stand up, though the electrical energy pulsing through his left foot caused him to buckle slightly. He turned to face his assailant.

This confrontation was far from over. Surpatine muttered something under his breath in his native Utapese. He wasn’t going to let some random woman distract him from his service to Taldryan any longer than he had to. He needed to take the Gungan relic and study it further, and this confrontation was a mere distraction.

“I will not be made a fool of.” Grimaced the creature in his native tongue. “Your ignorance will be your undoing.”

To add emphasis to his stature, Surpantine ascended as he flicked the pain from his ankle with a mere thought and stretched out. His scattered arsenal would tremble upon the floor as he beckoned them. The allure of their Master was too much to bear as the Hilts sprung from the floor and became reacquainted with his impatient grip.

“Now, silver haired fox.” Surpantine hissed as he twirled his Hilts and twisted them together. “We finish what you have started.”

The Ancient ravager, like a tornado, contorted his body and flourished his staff. All the seer could do was watch and prepare for the onslaught that was about to be unleashed upon her. She readied her whips and lashed out again but Surpantine caught them, one with each of his blood colored blades. He growled as he called upon his dark techniques and disengaged one of his blades so that the whip would fall and Kelly’s momentum would carry her closer. As the vibrant whip dropped below his emitter, he would reignite his weapon and strike downward before she could recoil.

The sizzle of freshly cauterized flesh and the thump of Kelly’s left hand hitting the floor was met by the gasping of the Gungans crazy enough to stick around and watch. The cause of such anguish was known to the Sith as Trakata, to Surpantine the fiendish form was an old friend.

Kelly roared and stumbled back as the Pau’an tugged her saving grace from her remaining hand.

“Now what?” Surpantine spoke, sarcasm and contempt oozing from each syllable.

Clawed fingers reached out and Kelly was hoisted back to her feet, throat tightening as the Rollmaster latched onto it, orchestrating the Force like the conductor of a melancholy symphony. Her internal struggle was written all over her face but she was no fool as her gasps became controlled and Surpantine’s grip waned.

A brief image of the past screamed into his mind, a recessed thought which caused him to lose his grip entirely.

“What is this?” He thought to himself before pushing it out of his mind. “You aren’t welcome here.” He said to himself.

“Clever girl.” He concluded with a laugh, though it truthfully couldn’t be described as a laugh at all as it was something far more sinister.

“You aren’t the only one with tricks up your sleeve.” She added to the monologue, fighting back the pain of her throbbing wrist.

Surpantine smirked as he towered over her and eyed her smoldering stump.

“You cannot see what’s up my sleeve girl. But I can clearly see what’s up yours”

“I’d call you a motherfrakker, but no amount of mental manipulation to make any woman spend time around let alone with a corpse like you,” Kelly snarled defiantly. It was going to be a tough fight to win from the start, and now with only one hand, the difficulty had increased exponentially. The one advantage Kelly did have is that because she had foregone protection in favour of manoeuvrability while Surpatine had gone in the other direction it was easy for her to outmanoeuvre him. That was her plan, and she was going to have to make the most of it if she wanted to get out of this alive.

The Plagueian pulled the sword from her belt, she wasn’t the most accomplished user of the sword, but if she could land in the right places, being able to incapacitate the taller sentient would become much more achievable. In addition to the sword, she had a dart launcher mounted on her right wrist. Both the sword and the darts inside the launcher had been coated with different types of poison, granting them their own unique benefits in the situation. The silver-haired woman twirled the sword around in her remaining hand as if to show that even with it not being her preferred hand she was still skilful with the blade.

Slowly Kelly began to move in a loop around Surpatine, making sure to stay out of the range of his lightsabers. The Pau’an was continually adjusting to her positioning, looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. Suddenly, Kelly had outstretched her hand and loosed forth a barrage of electrical energy from her fingertips. The Taldryanite was caught off guard and struggled to ground the lighting with his sabers. It seemed that for all his bluster about being able to see what Kelly had up her sleeve, he was either lying or still taken aback by the glimpse of his past Kelly had shown him. It was more of a balanced fight than Kelly had been expecting, but with her initial attempt rebuffed she had grown in confidence.

The woman motioned as if she was going to jump in Surpatine's direction before pulling herself back, slightly drawing her opposition closer to her with the ruse. Lightsabers twirled as the Taldryanite advanced upon his foe. Kelly stuck to her plan, circling the Pau'an though she began to periodically feign signs of weakness, slowing down, her leg buckling under her. It appeared to be working to some degree. The old man seemed to be caught in two minds as to if he should engage or not. The male was not an aggressive duelist from what Kelly had seen so far.

Kelly knew she couldn't stay at this forever, she would tire and be just as vulnerable as the other combatant. She had to strike, and quickly. The Plagueian began walking in an ever decreasing circle. The silver-haired woman was always keeping her eyes on the golden-eyed man. She lashed out with her sword, slashing at Surpatine's right hand as an attempt to even the score. She narrowly missed, the Pau'an barely got his hand out of the way but took the opportunity presented to him. He slashed Kelly's other hand off before decapitating the Quaestor. He stood over the Human and grinned, he was now free to go about his business.