The transit station was filled with noise. An unbearable racket, Zumun Tuzul, spending much of his free time in solitude, didn't care much for the chatter. In fact, he didn't care much for anything. Gubu, his Vornsykr and the Darkside of the Force were his only meaningful relationships. Truth be told, he would have it no other way.
The towering behemoth of a Zabraki, while large and imposing, had delicate grace as he waded through a sea of foreign bodies. His golden eyes swept to and fro, analyzing from beneath his deep black hood. He was interestingly enough focusing much of his attention on the Technocratic Guild. Being an Alchemist, alterations of various kinds caused a tingle of curiosity to run up his spine. The Guild, using the platform for transportation of goods and resources, seemed as good a place as any to gather intel on their endeavors.
His beard ruffled in the wake of passing trams and Gubu followed closely, at least for a moment. A feeling washed over him that he had not felt in quite some time. Typically it was the feeling he had gotten from members of the Jedi Order. He remembered in days, long since passed, where he was a harbinger of pain, a destructive reckoning on the fields of battle. More of a recluse now, he no longer hungered for recognition, his skills had been proven time and time again. His search for power was sought in quiet reflection, plotting from the shadows, waiting for a moment worthwhile.
He couldn't help but to feel that some whelp would interrupt his concentration, attempting to prove something themselves by slaying the disturbed one in Zumun.
Where are you then? a fleeting thought made him slightly eager. It had been a long time since someone was foolish enough or skilled enough to challenge him, he wondered which it would be.
Following the source without making it obvious, Gubu ran out to take point, his head tucked and snarling and black fur raised in aggression.
"Eesoy, Gubu." Zumun soothed in his native tongue. "Leave this to me.."
As the beast circled, it wanted to defy the order of it's master, but it knew better.
"Come out, Jedi.. I know you're there. Let's get this over with. I am a very busy man."
For what seemed like an eternity there was silence.
"I'm not getting any young-"
"Someone paid a great deal for you," an unfamiliar voice interrupted, resonating within Zumun's skull, "and oh, how I love credits."
"Claim your prize then." Zumun snarled, raising both arms to welcome the threat.
From behind one of the terminals stepped a Kel Dor he had seen before on Zsoldos. Unable to stifle his scoff at the choice of hiding places any longer, he looked to the sky.
"From Vizsla?" Zumun chuckled, "and who would hire such an esteemed group of hunters to find me, dare I ask?"
Trenkyp shook his head, "not a chance."
"You're not as foolish as you look, then."
The Kel Dor lowered his head, it was difficult to see any form of emotion, yet Zumun recognized the gesture as one of focus. The body language said it all.
"A request before I die?" Zumun taunted. Trenkyp said nothing. "Try your best?"
The Kel Dor growled, equipped his Lightsaber in a flash and advanced in one smooth motion. But he had already made a fatal mistake. Zumun had been absorbing a great deal of energy while he stalled through dialogue.
As Trenkyp rotated his blade high above his head, just as he took that final step forward and right before he could slam downward, Zumun drove his palm into the ground. Like a detonation, the Force erupted around him and like paper dolls, Trenkyp and the small group of pedestrians surrounding them flew backwards. Stalls were toppled and bodies became projectiles as they flopped like fish, slapping the duracrete. The Kel Dor growled as he hit the ground but had enough wherewithal to roll with the momentum. A few others were not as lucky as blood began to pool beneath their bodies, oozing from their impaled flesh.
The Zabrak groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, knees cracking, forcing him to bury the burden of age deep behind his durable persona. Physically worn, mentally, he felt young again.
He chuckled again and his large belly bounced as he watched the Jedi stutter-step back to his feet.
"Shall we try again?" Zumun smiled.