Mystic Trenkyp Zkig vs. Warlord Granta Prackx

Mystic Trenkyp Zkig

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Kel Dor, Force Disciple, Defender, Mandalorian

Warlord Granta Prackx

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Human, Sith, Juggernaut

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Mystic Trenkyp Zkig, Warlord Granta Prackx
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Mystic Trenkyp Zkig's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warlord Granta Prackx's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Mustafar: Interrogation Facility
Last Post 1 September, 2020 11:52 AM UTC
Member timing out /acc/battles/1589

Mustafar Interrogation Facility

Mustafar is a planet steeped in a dark history, acting as a point of interest as far back as the Clone Wars themselves. At one point, the Black Sun constructed their headquarters upon its surface and later on even Darth Vader took up residence within his dark castle. The traces of this history are still found in the form of the remains left behind. Mining facilities are scattered across the lava-surface of the scorching planet, help up with gravity supports that keep them safe from the superheated material below.

Perhaps its most notable history came via a single uttered phrase: Mustafar is where Jedi go to die. The hidden interrogation facility built into the scorched stone is steeped in the dark side, providing a clue to its wicked purpose in a time not so long past. A large, single landing pad acts as the focal point of the structure from the outside. It is connected by a causeway that leads to a security door that has fallen into disuse. The facility itself is still functional, drawing power from the thermal energy of the planet itself.

Once within, one is confronted by the labyrinthine maze of corridors and offices that were clearly designed for a singular purpose. The holding cells are as spartan as any other Imperial construct, providing only a slab protruding from the wall as a bed and nothing more. Barracks can be found near the main control rooms with its shelving in various states of disarray. It is clear with only a glance that scavengers have already picked the inanimate corpse clean of its contents.

However, it is deeper still where the miasma of the dark side truly reaches its zenith. There one will find the interrogation chambers. Wickedly cruel in their singular purpose, stains can still be found caked into the durasteel panels themselves alongside various tools and instruments of the trade plied within.

To walk within Mustafar's Interrogation Facility is to tread through the ghosts of the planet's darkest past. It is a symphony for the wicked and a requiem for the pious.

A bounty hunter's job isn't always about killing people. Although that's exactly what Trenkyp signed up for, he still had to make credits and, if there's nobody to kill, there's always something else to do. Like studying an interrogation facility on one of the most unwelcoming planets the Galaxy has to offer. But who cares what for, as long as it pays the bills, right?

As the Kel Dor of the story landed his ship on an old landing platform, he felt like the planet wanted him dead. Getting off the ship, he was hit by a strong wave of heat. Who could have thought that a planet known for its lava rivers would be hot?

“Tom, you guard the ship.”

“Roger roger,” a B1 Battle Droid said as it stood beside the ship’s entrance.

"Right, after landing, look for an old, broken door, not too far from the landing pad. Easy enough." The Force Disciple felt danger nearby as he approached what looked like a large durasteel door inside a wall of stone, surrounded by small hills. As expected, the door couldn't open without a little help.

"You've done this before, you can do it again," Trenkyp told himself while trying to concentrate on his hands. He kept them pointed at the door and then suddenly punched at the air, the door being thrown inside.

Another person was watching him from above, preparing to kill what she thought was a Jedi. Granta grabbed her sniper rifle from her back and aimed at the Kel Dor's head, charging up a shot. The Mandalorian felt danger closing in and stopped himself before going inside. Her Seeker Droid was beside her, scanning the surroundings for nearby threats.

"Why is he not moving? A kill this easy is just boring," the Sith said as she took the shot.

The Force warned the Defender of the incoming blaster bolt and he ducked before he would have lost his head.

"Let's see if you mind getting close," the Kel Dor said as he ran inside the facility.

"I didn't miss. I know that. He got lucky, that's it." The Human strapped her sniper rifle to her back and jumped from the rocky hill she was on to the platform near the entrance, slowing her fall with help from the Force. “Get back to the ship, droid.” She grabbed her Westar blaster rifle before going inside.

“Somebody else is here? I wonder why,” Trenkyp loudly said from a hidden place as Granta entered the main hall of the interrogation facility.

“Come out and fight me, you dirty Jedi,” the Human said as she started aiming towards the darker places of the room.

JED- look, I’m no Jedi. Whoever you work for has outdated information.” The Force Disciple said as he walked away from behind a pillar.

“I work for myself.” Granta started firing at the Kel Dor, only for the shots to not hit their target. He called upon the Force and created an invisible wall in front of him. Trenkyp destroyed the wall after the shots stopped.

“I get it. You want to kill a Jedi, you want to prove your Darkness.”

“Why do you care? You’re dead anyway,” the Sith said as she put away her blaster and grabbed her lightsaber with both hands.

“A duel? Fine by me. I’m sure there’s a bounty on your head, like the rest of us.” The Defender grabbed Life in his right hand and Death in his left hand. He activated them simultaneously, raised Death behind his head and kept Life in front of his chest, staying close to the ground with his right foot far behind his body.

The Juggernaut activated her lightsaber, red erupting out of the hilt, holding it behind her back with her right foot behind her body, ready to charge herself. She reached out to the Force for strength and jumped at the Kel Dor with her lightsaber above her head and striked with all her power, the crimson red pushed aside by two green plasma blades. The Kel Dor retracted his right leg and hit the Human in her chest with all of his power, surprising her and giving himself an opportunity to roll away. She barely feltl anything through her tough armor, but Trenkyp’s knee had seen better days. He grabbed his knee and focused on it, trying to ease his pain while Granta walked towards him.

The Sith was warned by the Force right before a vibroblade appeared right next to her, nearly cutting off her cybernetic left hand. Feeling better, Trenkyp readied a throwing blade and threw it at the Human’s helmet, nearly hitting her right eye slit. He started running away from Granta while she was distracted to hide in the dark and create an attack plan.