Anders stepped back onto the durasteel bridge, skulking and prowling like a vorn tiger upon the narrow walkway.
“Once again, you display nothing but your weakness to me, Ricmore,” Anders wagged a finger in a derisive manner. “Appius Wight was a far more deadly and proficient opponent when I ended his miserable existence.”
Hector froze. His eyes widened, his body becoming tense as if his joints had locked into place. He shook his head and coughed as he sputtered out words, his throat sore.
“You're lying. You have to be! Idris would never…”
“Why would it not be Lord Adenn who gave the order?” Anders’ lips curved into a smile filled with enough prideful malice to burn a thousand worlds. “Mandalorians are members of such a fickle culture. History has dictated they will betray one another over the simplest of ideological differences. Alas, you are correct, it was not Idris Adenn who gave the order, but our very own Grandmaster. He saw a potential rival in his political future and desired he be eliminated. I removed both Appius Wight and Darrio Klars from the equation on separate outings. They deserved their fate. Justice was served.”
Hector's grip on his weapon tightened, his pupils dilating as he growled like an angered beast. “That man was a father. He was someone's husband, and a friend. He was my friend. He was adored by so many…”
“And yet, you drove him away from Clan Vizsla and fought him on numerous occasions. Some comrade you are, Hector,” Anders took gleeful delight in the torment he witnessed in his fellow High Inquisitor's body language.
“You call it justice? I call it murder. You are a monster who uses justice to feed your fragile ego. You are little more than scum, Anders. I'll make you pay for what you've done!”
The Kiffar roared, his revenge-fuelled anger driving him to retrieve one of the dozen spherical ricochet disks attached to his back. He launched it telekinetically towards Anders at breakneck speed. The dark side was a veritable blade forever used by Anders to enact his justice. Yet, even as the Force had pre-warned him of the incoming threat, he was so shook by the low, guttural quake in Hector’s voice that he almost lost all sense of self-preservation. He was not a man easily shaken, but this? That threat?
For a moment, he actually believed it.
Anders snapped himself back to attention just in time to flick his wrist, his lightsaber cutting the projectile in twain as if it were made from plasteel.
Another warning. Another prophetic feeling of impending danger encompassed his body. With a flick of a switch, Hector converted his lightsaber, extending his reach dramatically. He closed the distance between them and surged forward. The light of the amethyst lightsaber nearly blinded Anders as it came centimetres from his forehead. He heard the distinct humming in his ears and felt the heat emanating from the blade.
The Sith's crimson hued weapon crashed into the opposing lightsaber, sparks hissing. Anders forced the pike out of its trajectory and over his shoulder. The Kiffar jabbed at the Chiss with uncanny precision. The Sith grit his teeth, parrying and deflecting each deadly accurate stab as it came towards him like they were blaster bolts being shot at him by assassin droids. Aequitas’ heart pounded in his ears, sweat dripping down his brow, his shoulder burning more and more with each strenuous movement. His pain fueled him, his eyes transforming into the corrupted amber belonging to the Sith.
“How dare you accuse me of injustice!” Aequitas snarled.
Hector only had the dark side of the Force to blame for the fact that he was unable to capitalise on the Sith's injuries. It was apparent to Aequitas that his opponent's physical attributes had atrophied since the last time they'd fought each other on the Godless Matron. It was yet another example of Hector's negligence.
“What you gained via your sorcery, you have lost in your physical capabilities,” the Sith jeered as he used his superior speed to turn the tides of battle and push Hector back towards the edge of the bridge.
“Do you ever shut up?” Hector responded with a strain in his voice, fatigue setting in.
“I would challenge you to make me, but we both know that it is impossible for you to succeed in that endeavour.”
Aequitas’ taunt weakened Hector's strength of will enough to grant him free access to his mind. With the telepathic link re-established, the Chiss had free reign to force the images of Appius’ demise through the open door of his consciousness. The cold, dead, lifeless eyes of his Mandalorian comrade made the younger man recoil, distracting him, giving the Sith the opening he needed to slice through the elongated lightsaber hilt in the Kiffar's hands.
“Now do you see the truth, Ricmore?” The Sith sported a triumphant smile.
Hector staggered, almost falling off of the durasteel bridge the pair of them stood atop as he dropped the pieces of his lightsaber hilt off of the edge.
“That you are a sociopath suffering from delusions of grandeur? I do. The truth will come out, Aequitas, even if it is through my sacrifice!” In an act of desperation, Hector began chanting again, the crystal around his neck glowing in an azure light.
“Hand over the crystal.”
The mental command from Aequitas prompted Hector to hush his words. He stood with his lightsaber poised at the Kiffar's throat as he grabbed a hold of the crystal and removed it from the chain it was attached to before placing it in the Sith's gloved hand.
“Do not fret, Hector. I will make sure to take excellent care of it. Now, do you have any final words before I send you to meet Appius?” Aequitas’ tone reeked of victory and arrogance, despite the headache that began to form.
Hector glanced behind him with no visible salvation in sight. Only thick mist broken by the currents of electricity that sparked from one side to the other greeting him. He closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and looked straight into the Chiss’ blood-red orbs.
“Yes, I do. Go frack yourself.”
Hector leapt backwards off of the bridge and descended into the depths below. Anders peered over the edge as his frame was consumed by the mist.
’That fool. If the drop does not kill him, those electric currents will.’
The Chiss deactivated his lightsaber and clipped the hilt back to his belt. He grimaced and clutched at his shoulder. His headache began to irk him too. No doubt he was in need of medical attention. He made to leave, fiddling with the crystal in the fingertips of his spare hand. It was this same Force-forsaken item that had caused him his injury in the first place. He was looking forward to being rid of it. Perhaps Aphotis would be interested in the magick laying dormant within this little trinket?
”Here is your winner; High Inquisitor Anderson!”
The crows erupted into applause at the announcement of his victory. He stood tall and proud as his visage appeared on the view screens and digital projectors. No doubt his display of superiority would aid in his ambitions to become a Grand Inquisitor.
Then there was the matter of confirming Ricmore's death. Aequitas might be willing to believe that Hector had more than likely perished in his fall, but there was no shame in being thorough.
Assuming that Hector truly was dead. Somehow, he had a suspicion their confrontations were far from over.