Character Snapshot (High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore)

Character Snapshot for High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, Reaper (2024/07/14, High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore vs. High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson)

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, Reaper

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Kiffar, Force Disciple, Arcanist, Dark Jedi
Height: 1.83 m / 6'0" - Weight: 70.0 kg / 154 lbs
Age: 24 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Hector Von Ricmore is a member of the Kiffar race. He stands at a tall 1.83 meters. He weighs 70 kg. His height and weight give him a tall appearance with a slim physique. He has white skin with sulfuric yellow eyes. He has neck length black hair and a black beard. His Kiffar racial tattoo is a red omega symbol on his forehead. Physical Apperance Artwork

Loadout: Stealth Commando (Snapshot)
Improviser (General Aspect)

No plan survives contact with the enemy. Hector Von Ricmore has learned this lesson better than most. While able and willing to plan with his allies, Hector has become adept at coming up with and changing plans on the fly to adapt to whatever circumstances he finds himself in. This willingness for on the fly planning can irritate traditional strategists and leaders. It may appear to allies that Hector is just making it up as he goes along. This isn’t quite true, and while it can irritate some allies it also gives Hector and his allies unprecedented flexibility to tackle a variety of situations.

The Will of the Force (General Aspect)

Hector takes solace in his belief that he follows the Will of the Force. He listens and learns from his abilities with Farsight, Sense and Psychometry, allowing the Force to provide him information before taking action. He also engages in meditation and thoughtful reflection. Some may find his use of the Will of the Force as an excuse to justify his actions but Hector does the best he can with the guidance he receives.

True Humility is the Only Antidote to Shame (Personality Aspect)

Hector Von Ricmore is not a prideful person. He’s fought those stronger than him and lost but survived on numerous occasions. While he has strived to develop his skill set and continues to do so, he has long since had any arrogance beaten out of him. Those who do not know him may mistake this for a lack of confidence or distrust in the capabilities of himself or his team. But Hector has merely learned to avoid underestimating his foe and to adapt to life’s challenges as they come.

Sentients are Nuanced and Complex (Personality Aspect)

The beings of the galaxy are many faceted and complicated; Hector Von Ricmore is no different. He seeks to inflict fear upon his enemies through brutal tactics, permitting things like flaying enemies alive, orbital bombardment and making use of powers like Force Lightning and Force Choke. Yet he is also a patient and knowledgeable instructor. He can be harsh with forces he is put in charge of; willing to make use of both Intimidation and the Force when mere words are not enough. Those actions are to ensure that the majority of those he cares for can survive the lawless galaxy and the many conflicts within. There are those who will find Hector to be a cruel individual. But sometimes you need to be cruel so people can survive to receive kindness.

Vizsla Lightsaber Instructor (Combat Aspect)

Hector Von Ricmore has trained himself to serve as a lightsaber instructor for both Clan Vizsla and the Shadow Academy. As such he is familiar with the techniques and philosophies of all 7 lightsaber forms. He does have a preference for his primary and secondary forms but is physically capable of using, demonstrating and teaching others how to use each form. This gives Hector an edge in theoretical knowledge but putting knowledge into practice does not always work perfectly. There are many denizens in the galaxy who are physically stronger or faster than Hector and those more powerful or skilled in the Force than he. All of whom he could encounter great difficulty when facing in deadly combat.

Jack of All Trades, Master of None (Combat Aspect)

Hector Von Ricmore has picked up a variety of skills for combat and everyday life. He is capable of ranged and melee combat, stealth maneuvers and loud assaults. Despite these accolades he has spread himself rather thin. He is not much of a specialist and runs into trouble when facing individuals who have specialized in a particular field. But in return for this potential hardship Hector is never truly out of his depth. He has an option or an ally to deal with nearly any situation that can occur. Even if there is almost always someone who can do it better than he can.

Skill Feats
Second Skin II Let Them Hate, So Long As They Fear
Force Feats
Static Shock III Matter Bender I Plasma Manipulation I Lightning Deflection I
Granted Feats
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Kiffar: Facial Recognition Kiffar: Psychometry Order Feat: Force Disciple Dowsing II Channel II Envoy's Will
  • Basic
  • Kiffar
  • Sith Runes and Verbal Language
  • Force Alchemy and Rituals
  • Form 1 Shii-Cho: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 2 Makashi: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 3 Soresu: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 4 Ataru: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 5 Djem So/Shien: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 6 Niman: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Form 7 Juyo/Vaapad: Techniques and Philosophy
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Imperial Martial Arts System
Secondary Martial Art Whiptree
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)