Warrior Rrogon Skar Agrona vs. Seer Uji Tameike

Warrior Rrogon Skar Agrona

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Kaleesh, Sith, Juggernaut, Obelisk

Seer Uji Tameike

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker

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Hall Sins of the Past -Episode II [Clan Arcona]
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [Sins of the Past] [Episode II] ACC Race
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warrior Rrogon Skar Agrona, Seer Uji Tameike
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warrior Rrogon Skar Agrona's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Seer Uji Tameike's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Last Post 26 July, 2016 5:51 AM UTC
Member timing out Fist Uji Tameike

Dathomir Desolate Swamp

Once, it was the home to the witches of Dathomir, otherwise known as the Nightsisters. Tucked away in from the rest of the galaxy in an isolated cluster, the Nightsisters were able to draw energy from the planet itself, and pursued a type of ritualistic magic. They ruled over the population of Zabarak—Nightbrothers—and used them as a warrior caste to serve their purposes.

Then, the Clone Wars. The Nightsisters were pulled into the conflict due to the machinations of Mother Talzin and her rival Darth Sidious. This ultimately lead to the eradication of the Dathomarians and their settlements. The desolation was claimed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the last Nightsiser fell.

Now, the planet known as Dathomir is a haunted skeleton of its former greatness. A perpetual crimson glow coats the planet. The bleak world has become an amalgamation of ruined forest, decrepit swamplands, and withered mountains worn to the sands of time.

In the desolate swamps, faint echoes haunt the graves of the long-dead witches, infusing the green fog that spreads above the damp ground. Dreadful whispers rumoured to be lingering incantations defend the world from intruders. Tall tales and rumors of zombies and ritual sacrifice alluding to grisly flashes of imagery.

The trees, large and misshapen, promise misery to those who touch their tortured bark and open themselves to the memories of the place. Eerie as the voices over the wind, the water beneath the fog appears red and bubbling, as if the land itself were pockmarked in cauldrons of blood to keep the incantations alive.

Creatures unaffected by the purge of the Nightsisters still remain. Snakes, reptiles and insects of varying lethality wander the wasteland. Reports have even said that rancor still roam freely.

This is Dathomir.

Rrogon strode to the edge of a cliff overlooking a large valley before him, the crimson tint of the sky reflection menacingly off of his skin and mask. Breathing deeply, Rrogon reached out to his surroundings and instantly felt the darkness this planet held. “So many sins on one world. It's astounding no, Uji?”

The crunching of stone could be heard from behind the Kaleesh as the Proconsul of Arcona made his way over to him till he stood just behind his left shoulder. “It's not unlike Korriban if you think about it. What the Nightsisters did on this planet has poisoned it for all time. So you are sure your sources are accurate, that the base is here?”

Pulling out a data pad from within his robes, Skar thumbed it to life and began to reread the report that his informant had given him a few day before. “Yes, my spies tell me that Teroch’s men have a small outpost on this world and use it to replenish their supplies from time to time. It seems they are using the old separatist base from the clone wars, so we should be concerned about any leftover battle droids that might have been abandoned and reactivated.”

“What about you, Rrogon, are you sure you are ready for this?” asked Uj.i His words seemed to pierce the back of the Kaleesh’s mind and incite the shame he had buried weeks ago.

“Im ready, the Shadow Ladys teachings have done their job. I will not fail Arcona again,” Rrogon spoke these words with a conviction that gave Uji pause. He moved and placed his hand on the younger aliens shoulder.

“Then let's go before they find us, we need to dismantle this base and return to Selen,” spoke the Human before moving to climb down the cliff face. He descended into the twisted junge below. With a look up to the sky above him, Rrogon did something that he normally never did, he prayed.

Gods above hear me for one of you have stepped on this planet before, give us the strength and wisdom to overcome this foe today like you have so many times before carve us a path to godhood and let us charge down that path into victory. Steeling himself Rrogon moved forward and followed Uji down into the twisted jungle below.

Hours passed as the two made their way through the underbrush before they finally came across the old outpost that Teroch mercenaries had taken over. It had once been the separatist forward outpost in the sector but since the decommissioning of the droid forces it fell into obscurity.

This was not the case now, even from this distance Rrogon could see the B-1 battle droids patrolling the walls and the surrounding area and even a few super battle droids mixed in. This was going to be a hard fought battle one way or another.

Looking over to Uji, the two warriors locked eyes for a second before rounding the trees they had been hiding behind. Pulling out his twin blasters the Kaleesh wasted no time in opening up on the droids. He put down several before they could react and return fire on the Templar and Sith as the two dashed around another set of trees

“Move up!” Rrogon called as he dashed out and took down the droids closest to him and the Human before they could prove to be much of a problem.

Uji watched as the Kaleesh charged forward, the twin fire of his weapons dismantling the droids faster than many of them could respond. The Proconsul held back a few steps, staying near the Kaleesh but letting the other man take the lead. The Seer was all too aware of how devious his old mentor could be, reserving his strength now would increase the chances of their survival.

The Warrior of the Agrona family pressed onward, Uji had to admit he was impressed. During their last encounter Uji had remained uninspired by the other man's lack of control. Instead he found the Kaleesh moving methodically and efficiently, his anger held in check for now, but capable of being unleashed at any moment.

The B-1 droids didn’t stand much of a chance against Rrogan. the Super Battle Droids proved another matter, as the more resilient droids impeded their path into the compound. Uji and Rrogan began working together the Kaleesh providing cover fire while thinning the more lightly armored B-1s. Uji and his lightsaber struck quickly to dispatch the more heavily armored droids while their attention focused on Rrogan.

In a matter of minutes the two Dark Jedi had dispatched the perimeter defenses. Both men stopped a few moments to catch their breathe. “Are you alright Uji?” Rrogan turned as he spoke to find the unapproving glance of his superior.

“Atyiru may allow lapses in judgement Agrona, I do not, you have twice used my name. I am your Proconsul, not your friend. Now move”

The two approached the entry to the outpost, a swift kick from the Kaleesh broke the doorway open, practically taking it off the hinges. The two men entered to find a single silhouette of light in the center of the spacious room, any supplies long since removed, evidence of a hasty departure that had left the entire compound desolate and empty.

Approaching the light, a single holoprojector sat in the center of the room displaying the image of an amused Teroch Erinos Arconae. Uji shook his head ruefully resisting the urge to laugh in his irritation.

“Teroch, were the droids really necessary?” Uji crossed his arms as the former Arconae cracked a grin and shrugged.

“Good to see you Uji, I wondered how long you’d take to follow the information I left Shadow Gate…” The traitor turned to Rrogan giving the Kaleesh a once over.

“Where’d you find the knockoff of S’nar?”

“I’m here to take you up on your offer Teroch, not listen to you take jabs at children.” Uji waited and watched for the reaction he expected.

“You… you’re the one working with them,” Rrogan’s shock caused him to falter at first, the Warrior looked between the holo and his Proconsul. The cocky assured smile of Teroch caused the Kaleesh to growl in frustration as he reached for his lightsaber. The snap-hiss of the blade coming to life showered the room with a new source of bright golden light.

“I’m glad to hear you’ve reconsidered Uji, deal with this one then contact me for our next step” The holoprojector cut off leaving the two men alone. Uji didn’t hesitate to bring his own blade to bear as the Kaleesh charged him, the larger alien bearing down on the Proconsul forced Uji to rely on his speed to avoid the first of his subordinates attacks.

“How could you betray the Clan! Proconsul” the final word a growl from the Sith. Uji’s expression never wavered, a cold emotionless look of contempt was all the response Rrogan received. The next flurry of strikes forced the Seer to turn aside his opponents blade, the Kaleesh’s strength making it nearly impossible for him to block the attacks. The Human felt his blade pushed aside by another attack and a flash of pain as a gloved fist lashed out sending him reeling in pain.

Tameike shook his head to clear it, Uji threw himself aside as the Kaleesh struck out with the Force from only a few feet away, the telekinetic strike flew wide as the Proconsul rolled back to his feet.

“I’m going to bring your head back to Atyiru for what you’ve done,” Rrogan began to approach again, this time intending to corner his traitorous Proconsul and end the fight.

Rrogon charged forward, letting his anger and rage flow freely from inside, he never expected Uji to betray the clan in such a way. In all their previous meetings, he always spoke about loyalty to the clan and his actions in hunting down those that betrayed the Shadow Clan made this almost seem like it was all a trick.

But there was no mistaking what the Seer had done and there would be no forgiveness on this day. No redemption that would be offered. Rrogon was going to kill him here and now, bringing his traitorous head back to the summit.

“All that talk of loyalty... Everything you have done for the Clan. You would just throw it away for scum like him? Where's your pride, Uji? Where is your honor?!.” Gold plasma crashed against the Light of Arcona. The screaming Kaleesh's blade smashed against the Seer's, over and over again, each blow deflected aside but at a price.

Every time the lightsabers met, Skar could feel the desperation in the Human's arms as he deflected the Templar’s blade away from him, and unlike the last time they fought, there would be no loss of control from the Juggernaught. Cold judgment began to replace his rage and the Kaleesh slipped further into his Juggernaut’s drive.

That cold mindset that Skar had come to know and rely on these past weeks unsettled the Seer as he was pushed back further into the compound they had fought their way into. Sweat began to pour down the Seeker’s face as he called out to the force, and in a blur of movement, dove out of the way of a slash that would have cleaved his head from his shoulders.

Rolling to his feet, the Human raised his lightsaber and blocked another blow, but could not hold his stance as he did so. Seeing the Seeker stumble, Rrogon reared his hand back and forced all his cold rage into the palm before slamming it down into the ground at the Human’s feet.

Pain pulsed through the Human's body as he was thrown clear off his feet, tumbling through the air like a ragdoll before crashing into several empty crates that had been left behind by Teroch’s men.

Growling in pain, the Seer reached for his lightsaber, but cold fear slithered down his spin when he could not find it, looking around he could see his saber at the feet of the Kaleesh who had stopped to look at him. Following the Seekers gaze, Rrogon saw the lightsaber at his feet and reached down to pick it up.

“I believed in you Scion, we all trusted you. Do you have any idea what this will do to Atyiru when she learns of this!?” asked the Kaleesh as he held his ground a few feet away from the Seer.

Silence was the only reply Rrogon received as Uji struggled to pull himself to his feet, a small click of metal could be heard as a blade extended from the Human's wrist. Sprinting forward, the Human blurred once again but something in the Kaleesh changed as he did. Uji’s speed slowed as he hit was seemed like a wall in the force which began sapping the power he was putting into his own body, and just as he reached the Juggernaut, the hulking Kaleesh dropped both the lightsabers and dove into the attack.

Rrogon hand shot out like quicksilver, clamping around the wrist that the Seekers blade was on, stopping it from reaching his flesh. His other clawed hand grabbed a fistfull of the Seer’s robes and pulled him off his feet before slamming the smaller Human down into the dirt.

Uji gasped at the air was knocked from his lungs from the impact and it was only made worse as the Kaleesh’s hand found its way to his throat and began to choke him while a knee was planted squarely into his chest, pinning him down along with his arm.

“Trust is something I don't give to everyone, Uji, you brought this pain upon yourself,” growled the Kaleesh as he twisted the Human’s wrist. A hideous crack finally could be heard as Rrogon snapped it like a twig.

Uji tried to scream in pain, but the iron grip of the hulking Kaleesh on his neck stopped him from doing so. Black dots began to fill his vision as the lack of air to his brain was beginning to affect him, but at the last second the Templar released his grip and allowed air to once more flow.

Pitiful gasps filled the air as the Human struggled to breath through the pain and the full weight of the Kaleesh on his chest. Rrogon’s voice could be heard just beside his face as the fearsome Huk mask lowered itself next to his own, the glowing crimson eyes of the Templar burning into his very mind as fear began to unnaturally grip him. The Kaleesh began to worm his way into the Human's mind.

“I'm going to break you in both body and soul, Scion,” growled the Kaleesh as he moved his hand and placed it on the human's face before unleashing a torrent of force lightning into the Seeker’s face.

Howling screams of pain flowed through the compound as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air around the two combatants, the skin of the Human began to burn and crack away. The Kaleesh spent his time over the next hour torturing him for his betrayal to the clan.

“You brought this on yourself.” was all Uji could hear before his vision faded into blissful darkness.