An angry, armed Kaleesh be chargin’ me, all fer havin’ a wee chat with a lady at the pub. That’s what ya do at tha pub, ya talk ta tha lassies, he runs tha bloody place, how is this a trigger for violence? mused Bleu as he turned to run. Right now, gaining ground and either waiting for Skar to calm down or lose him entirely seemed prudent.
Rrogon was faster than him, the years had been kinder to the younger Arconan. Not to mention the kid didn’t smoke or drink nearly as much as his fuzzy counterpart who was huffing along after three days marching through the jungle. So the much smaller Ryn did the only thing he could and began to slip through awkward gaps in the fallen skeletons. Behind, the Kaleesh hacked his way through ancient bone as he gave chase. Still, every time he had to pause and drag his golden blade through a set of ribs or the like, he lost a little distance on Kordath. He turned to glance back at his angered team mate and debated his immediate future.
If he just kept running and got out of the crater, he could, possibly, make it to the extraction point before Skar. He’d catch hell for leaving the guy behind from a lot of people, not to mention their Master, Nath, would drag the truth out of him. Of all the people for him not to be able to lie to, she read him too well. Though he was an asset, surely they’d send a shuttle back to pick him up, but then he’d just be even more ticked off with Bleu. A direct confrontation, even in this landscape that favored the Ryn, was a piss poor idea. The Kaleesh would wreck him, the kid was a powerhouse and had the stamina to keep a running fight up much longer than he could.
He kept moving, ideas cascading through his mind as he navigated the boneyard, eyes roving for something, anything that could help him. A grin crossed the sweating man’s face as he spotted a particularly good sized Rancor skull, half buried by time. With a look over his shoulder to insure that Skar couldn’t see where he was headed, he scrambled up and through an empty eye socket. He landed lightly inside, the low bone cave still being tall enough to keep the diminutive Ryn from having to so much as crouch. Blowing some air out of his fluted nose, Bleu smirked as the sound resonated in the skull and echoed a bit. He grew still and allowed the chamber to quiet, before moving to the back away from the empty sockets. He began by closing his eyes and stretching out with his senses to track the angry Agrona.
The Kaleesh wasn’t far off and Kordath took a few deep breaths, hoping this would work out in his favor. He cleared his throat and shouted, directing his voice towards the hollow curve of the skull in hopes the echoes would carry it out and about.
“SKAR! I do nae know what yer so uppity about! Yeah I spoke ta tha lass, I was drinkin’ and she was cute. Take it as a bleedin’ compliment! ‘Sides, twas at tha bar! You’re a bartender! How can ya hold somethin’ I said after I was six or eight drinks deep against me, eh?”
As the echoes faded he waited, focusing on the Force presence of Rrogon, who stalked the area outside. He’d slowed his pace when the Ryn’s booming voice had caught his attention, but now he seemed to have stopped moving. Kordath’s brow furrowed, wondering what the Kaleesh was up to.
“Ya got ta calm down, lad, not sure how ya can be uptight with such a lovely creature sharin’ yer home. Less of course, ya know, that’s why she was talkin’ ta me.”
Wait, was I tryin’ ta calm him down or make him angry? Tha hells is wrong with me, the corruption here is messin’ with me head. It wants a fight, blast!
He shook his head, trying to dislodge thoughts of aggression and anger. A sound from outside the skull began to grow louder, like a swarm of angry insects, the Ryn cocked his head to the side trying to determine what it was. Rrogon’s saber blade broke through the bone before him. It was dragged through the skull in a long, diagonal line before being brought to bear once more in the opposite direction. Kordath backed away as a large, scoured X appeared on the inside of his hideaway before a burst of Force energy sent shattered bone flying inwards. Dust filled the skull while light streamed in from the new entrance Skar had created.
Bleu waved bone particles away from his face in an effort not to breath in the dry, dead material, instead pulling a Sith dagger from it’s sheath. The golden blade of the Juggernaut’s weapon was clearly visible even in the cloud, and it was searching for him. Kordath ducked and crept forward, hoping to catch the Kaleesh off guard, but his strike, aimed at the man’s right hamstring, was deftly blocked by the saber. Rrogon’s eyes nearly glowed behind his ridiculous mask.
“I can see your heat signature, Bleu, someday you’ll remember that. Or not, after today.”
“Skar…,” began the Ryn, backing away again and holding his dagger up before him as if it could protect him. His left hand reached back to grasp the solitary flashbang tucked into his belt. “This place is messin’ with our heads, mate, we don’t need ta be fightin’. I’m sorry about yer wife, but ta be fair, she’s good lookin’ and she did nae tell me she was married. So that’s on her.”
Me and my mouth, he blinked, realizing what had come out of him again. I don’t like this place, kark it, I’ll deal with the trouble at home. Besides, he ain’t got tha coordinates for the pick up, I’ll send back a shuttle fer him.
“I will skin you, take your tail, and make a lovely robe for my wife!” shouted the Kaleesh.
Kordath shook his head and turned, dropping the flash bang and diving through one of the open eye sockets. A flash lit up the world around him even more, and a sound reverberated inside the skull that Skar had so recklessly damaged the structural integrity of. The Ryn ran about a dozen feet before looking back to see the bone dome fracture and collapse. With a little whistle to himself, certain the Kaleesh would survive this as he did most things, he gathered the Force to himself and focused. Reaching out, he telekinetically smoothed out the dirt he’d ran across, obscuring his trail before turning and moving out again.
It’d take two days to get to the extraction point, hopefully his fellow Arconan didn’t catch up to him in that time. Good chance he’d be a bit miffed.
a usual
Comma does not work here. The following paragraph also is a list, and is just kind of bullet pointed awkwardly within the context. You can make it flow better pretty easily.
more sickly* otherwise the dialog doesn't really make sense.
comma doesn't work her either, Needs to be two separate sentences or semicolon.
Your tense is off here and it reads awkwardly.
I know he's a male, but Kaleesh aren't really "hu*man*" so it kind of felt weird reading it this way.
Excellent Sliding Hands description.