OE Rian Aslar vs. SWL Quejo

Obelisk Exarch Rian Aslar

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Pantoran, Obelisk, Juggernaut

Warlord Quejo

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Shadow

Battle has timed out

Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 0 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants OE Rian Aslar, SWL Quejo
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
OE Rian Aslar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
SWL Quejo's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Shadow Academy - Sparring Room
Last Post 13 July, 2014 12:42 AM UTC
Member timing out /acc/battles/97

You enter one of the dozens of sparring chambers within the Shadow Academy of Lyspair, the simple square room utilized mostly by those learning the ways of the lightsaber. This five hundred square-foot room, rectangular in shape, is nearly barren. The floor is lined with simple padding, while the walls are made of dull, grey durasteel, gauged by innumerable lightsaber strikes, scarring the metal permanently.

The ceiling towers above you, nearly twenty feet in height, allowing for plenty of movement from the more acrobatic of Force users. There are no other adornments within the room, save for the entrance and lighting that bathes the entire room, yet seems to come from nowhere. All corners of the room are perfectly lit, with no visible shadows to speak of. There is nowhere for you to hide within the room, but… there's no room for your opponent to hide either.