Cast from a solid disk of carvanium, the backing of the cross is inlaid with a decorative inner ring of bronzium that features glyphs representing the infinite power of dark might. The circlet’s center is dominated by three massive onyx shards carved from the claws of the predatory graul of Dantooine. The deeply burnished “jewels” represent the three insoluble Orders of the Brotherhood. The Anteian stands apart from the other "traditional" crosses of the Brotherhood in that it pays homage to the origins of the word from its namesake’s culture. "Cross", in the old Anteian dialects, literally translates into Basic as “joining of three”.
Quantity | Number of members | |
1 | 686 | 56.74% |
2 | 171 | 14.14% |
3 | 116 | 9.59% |
4 | 78 | 6.45% |
5 | 55 | 4.55% |
6 | 34 | 2.81% |
7 | 24 | 1.99% |
8 | 9 | 0.74% |
9 | 8 | 0.66% |
10 | 8 | 0.66% |
11 | 6 | 0.5% |
12 | 5 | 0.41% |
13 | 3 | 0.25% |
14 | 1 | 0.08% |
16 | 2 | 0.17% |
17 | 2 | 0.17% |
19 | 1 | 0.08% |
PIN | Rank | Name | Award count |
176 | Master | Trevarus Irad Caerick | 3 |
14169 | Raider | Trideo Arkson | 4 |
14346 | Neophyte | Trin Valen | 1 |
7656 | Master | Troutrooper | 4 |
7231 | Battlelord | Tsingtao Ming | 3 |
14964 | Master | TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia | 1 |
13830 | Master | Turel Sorenn | 3 |
13647 | Neophyte | Tycho Isod | 1 |
15329 | Mystic | Tyga Orn Nilim | 1 |
4094 | Ranger | Tyno | 2 |
14567 | Peacekeeper | Tyraal Bitshiver | 1 |
5575 | Knight | Tyrus | 1 |
10599 | Warrior | Tyyravis Nami Dantes | 1 |
13561 | Adept | Uji Tameike | 4 |
10558 | Seer | Ulfsark | 5 |
15063 | Acolyte | Unsterblich | 1 |
13999 | Knight | upsidexumop | 1 |
14171 | Knight | Uun Suu | 1 |
4438 | Warrior | Uzbad | 3 |
16102 | Knight | Vahrosa De | 1 |
1540 | Adept | Vail Aquillarum Unteminar | 7 |
16656 | Yeoman | Vailhanz | 1 |
12990 | Acolyte | Valdrane SaDiablo | 1 |
6642 | Battlemaster | Valerian di Plagia Orzon | 4 |
12773 | Acolyte | Valeriuskane | 1 |