Dark Cross Breakdown

Award information

The most fundamental award of service in the Brotherhood, the Dark Cross is nonetheless a respected mark of excellence among the membership. Fashioned from common alloys, the award is backed by a simple oblate ring. The cross itself is in the "flory" design representing the recipient's early growth within the Brotherhood.

Award statistics
Number of Dark Crosses awarded:
Number of members having at least one Dark Cross:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Dark Cross:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Dark Cross:
Average number of Dark Crosses (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Dark Crosses (per member having at least one Dark Cross)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 1015 56.45%
2 226 12.57%
3 160 8.9%
4 106 5.9%
5 65 3.62%
6 56 3.11%
7 38 2.11%
8 28 1.56%
9 18 1.0%
10 24 1.33%
11 16 0.89%
12 12 0.67%
13 14 0.78%
14 6 0.33%
15 2 0.11%
16 3 0.17%
17 2 0.11%
18 1 0.06%
19 1 0.06%
22 2 0.11%
24 1 0.06%
26 1 0.06%
34 1 0.06%
Displaying recipients 26 - 50 of 1630 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
16489 Neophyte Aelic Vyrling 1
14435 Neophyte Aen Van Del 1
15685 Master "Aequitas" Anderson 1
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr 8
10646 Knight Aesir 3
17261 Novice Aesomír 1
980 Mystic Aeson Rhys 6
6017 Proselyte Aevin Lightwave 2
15719 Seer Agate Gua'lara 1
16942 Privateer Agron Dyrce 1
17198 Warrior Ahathr’iss’asapla (Thrissa) 1
15703 Knight Ahsik Warren 1
84 Master Aidan Kincaid 22
13796 Corsair Aiden Dru 3
6920 Hunter Aiorus Van Trayus 2
14496 Knight Akaarn Tayl'cor 3
13005 Proselyte Akeeg 1
7070 Acolyte Akhara Kiddo 1
4176 Acolyte Akile Draccor 3
5010 Knight Aksle 2
14234 Raider Ala'ar Rinn 3
295 Master Alanna Taldrya 8
12681 Augur Alara Deathbane 3
9426 Master Alaris Jinn 9
15434 Warlord Aldaric 4