Dark Side Scroll Breakdown

Award information

The Dark Side Scroll is bestowed upon those who have made scholarly contributions to the dark arts. The scroll is a ream of parchment bound by a narrow wrap of akk dog hide with a clasp displaying the Legion of the Scholar without the transfixing sword. Platinum claws hold fire facet gems at either end of the obsidian dowels, and the scroll itself is inscribed with text of the work for which it was awarded.

Award statistics
Number of Dark Side Scrolls awarded:
Number of members having at least one Dark Side Scroll:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Dark Side Scroll:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Dark Side Scroll:
Average number of Dark Side Scrolls (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Dark Side Scrolls (per member having at least one Dark Side Scroll)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 143 41.45%
2 58 16.81%
3 34 9.86%
4 25 7.25%
5 14 4.06%
6 14 4.06%
7 14 4.06%
8 7 2.03%
9 6 1.74%
10 8 2.32%
11 1 0.29%
12 2 0.58%
13 3 0.87%
14 1 0.29%
15 2 0.58%
16 3 0.87%
17 3 0.87%
18 1 0.29%
21 1 0.29%
28 1 0.29%
30 1 0.29%
37 1 0.29%
43 1 0.29%
51 1 0.29%
Displaying recipients 126 - 150 of 306 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
4046 Warlord Kraval Taldrya 3
6687 Mystic Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae 2
5991 Hunter Kuddam Wrath 2
8153 Knight Laigerick Ryokou-Amor 1
9911 Acolyte Lailoken 1
3155 Warden Lambow 2
297 Battlemaster Lan 2
1687 Warrior Leara 7
8893 Warlord Legorii Arconae 7
7288 Warden Liam Torun-Urr 2
10311 Adept Locke Sonjie 2
7384 Warrior Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus. 1
4024 Augur Lontra Boglach 1
993 Warrior Lorad Desmos 1
13700 Battlelord Lucyeth 1
4334 Reaver Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir 4
4856 Adept Macron Goura Sadow 28
13419 Battlelord Maenaki Delavi'in 1
700 Warlord Mage 17
154 Master Mairin Véda Lúrien Amadiciel Astoris Arsenen d'Alavel 1
6684 Battlelord Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae 2
6169 Adept Malisane Sadow 3
3160 Reaver Malodin'Tater 8
705 Adept Manesh 3
3415 Adept Manji Keibatsu Sadow 9