Crescent with Topaz Star Breakdown

Award information

Crescents are awarded for achieving first, second, or third place in an official, non-Vendetta competition. Rendered from solid shanks of hollinium, crescents are cast symbolically in the shape of the dark star eclipsing the Brotherhood homeworld of Antei. Each crescent is studded with jewels, ranging from quartz to diamond, dependent upon the crescent’s value. Some of these jewels are believed to be taken from the stores of Okemi and are embued with dark energy. The most active within the Brotherhood possess quite a collection of crescents.

Award statistics
Number of Crescents with Topaz Star awarded:
Number of members having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Average number of Crescents with Topaz Star (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Crescents with Topaz Star (per member having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 315 31.79%
2 164 16.55%
3 100 10.09%
4 63 6.36%
5 57 5.75%
6 40 4.04%
7 44 4.44%
8 22 2.22%
9 24 2.42%
10 21 2.12%
11 14 1.41%
12 12 1.21%
13 16 1.61%
14 11 1.11%
15 7 0.71%
16 7 0.71%
17 6 0.61%
18 6 0.61%
19 4 0.4%
20 4 0.4%
21 5 0.5%
22 6 0.61%
23 1 0.1%
24 11 1.11%
25 4 0.4%
26 1 0.1%
27 2 0.2%
28 4 0.4%
30 2 0.2%
32 2 0.2%
34 3 0.3%
35 1 0.1%
36 2 0.2%
38 1 0.1%
41 1 0.1%
45 2 0.2%
48 1 0.1%
50 1 0.1%
52 1 0.1%
64 1 0.1%
75 1 0.1%
83 1 0.1%
Displaying recipients 276 - 300 of 920 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
6386 Peacekeeper Zanothi Nightblade 3
6389 Battlelord Tek Cicero Dantes 3
6390 Warrior Siyavash Kaida 1
6393 Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama 4
6402 Professional Debric Santhe 3
6440 Acolyte Xerxes 2
6463 Vice General Tierra Suha'sen 16
6481 Novice saber 1
6500 Proselyte James_Hetfield 2
6506 Novice Lazarus Atul 1
6591 Battlemaster Ky Terrak di Plagia 3
6610 Knight Apollyon "Odium" Dinaarius 2
6616 Acolyte Sien'Eyan "Artemis" Luroon 3
6642 Battlemaster Valerian di Plagia Orzon 7
6643 Adept Cassandra Oriana Taldrya 10
6677 Warrior Syphoc Rilkel 3
6684 Battlelord Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae 9
6687 Mystic Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae 4
6688 Acolyte Jezzie 1
6689 Warrior Menace 7
6702 Acolyte Neophyte 2
6705 Augur Cethgus Tiberius Entar 30
6749 Battlelord Marcus Armani 10
6961 Proselyte CHANGE YOUR NAME 1
6966 Acolyte Anik Koran 1