Crescent with Topaz Star Breakdown

Award information

Crescents are awarded for achieving first, second, or third place in an official, non-Vendetta competition. Rendered from solid shanks of hollinium, crescents are cast symbolically in the shape of the dark star eclipsing the Brotherhood homeworld of Antei. Each crescent is studded with jewels, ranging from quartz to diamond, dependent upon the crescent’s value. Some of these jewels are believed to be taken from the stores of Okemi and are embued with dark energy. The most active within the Brotherhood possess quite a collection of crescents.

Award statistics
Number of Crescents with Topaz Star awarded:
Number of members having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star:
Average number of Crescents with Topaz Star (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Crescents with Topaz Star (per member having at least one Crescent with Topaz Star)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 315 31.79%
2 165 16.65%
3 99 9.99%
4 63 6.36%
5 57 5.75%
6 40 4.04%
7 44 4.44%
8 22 2.22%
9 24 2.42%
10 21 2.12%
11 14 1.41%
12 12 1.21%
13 16 1.61%
14 11 1.11%
15 7 0.71%
16 7 0.71%
17 6 0.61%
18 6 0.61%
19 4 0.4%
20 4 0.4%
21 5 0.5%
22 6 0.61%
23 1 0.1%
24 11 1.11%
25 4 0.4%
26 1 0.1%
27 2 0.2%
28 4 0.4%
30 2 0.2%
32 2 0.2%
33 1 0.1%
34 2 0.2%
35 1 0.1%
36 2 0.2%
38 1 0.1%
41 1 0.1%
45 2 0.2%
48 1 0.1%
50 1 0.1%
52 1 0.1%
62 1 0.1%
73 1 0.1%
83 1 0.1%
Displaying recipients 301 - 325 of 920 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
12679 Proselyte Estoc Firestorm 1
12671 Battlemaster Rosh Nyine 2
12669 Neophyte Zabitha 4
12656 Adept Revak K'Urr 21
12649 Knight Waldron Ravenblade 1
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos 6
12523 Neophyte Tenda 2
12508 Proselyte Sapharia Tailoul 1
12504 Warrior Tiamath 6
12449 Hunter Kazumi-Ytje Matsumoto 3
12436 Privateer Silas Manx 2
12434 Hunter Andraste Vivendi 2
12311 Knight Carissus 11
12288 Acolyte Lelila 1
12250 Padawan Thorzan Dane Beviin 2
12247 Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar 3
12188 Acolyte Alexandra Rahl 1
12181 Proselyte Zphinx 1
12097 Seer Creon Neverse 10
12075 Neophyte Sutekh'Sithari 2
12066 Captain Jacob Van Nowak 1
12055 Hunter Diclonius 5
12049 Adept A'lora Kituri 12
12044 Warlord Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej 24
12011 Neophyte Zeak Yurashima 2