Scroll of Foundation Breakdown

Award information

Adolescent gurreck skin vellum is the medium upon which the bearer’s deeds are inscribed on the Scroll of Foundation. Coiled about twin dowels of titanium, the scroll is meant to imply strength and reliability, each dowel’s end capped with a matched set of lightsaber-grade alchemically gemstone. The scroll is bound with fine Sullustian leather featuring a Brotherhood emblem clasp of polished silver.

Award statistics
Number of Scrolls of Foundation awarded:
Number of members having at least one Scroll of Foundation:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Scroll of Foundation:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Scroll of Foundation:
Average number of Scrolls of Foundation (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Scrolls of Foundation (per member having at least one Scroll of Foundation)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 66 27.27%
2 31 12.81%
3 26 10.74%
4 10 4.13%
5 11 4.55%
6 8 3.31%
7 9 3.72%
8 8 3.31%
9 8 3.31%
10 2 0.83%
11 6 2.48%
12 4 1.65%
13 1 0.41%
14 2 0.83%
15 1 0.41%
16 6 2.48%
17 1 0.41%
18 2 0.83%
19 4 1.65%
20 1 0.41%
21 1 0.41%
22 1 0.41%
23 1 0.41%
24 1 0.41%
26 1 0.41%
27 1 0.41%
28 2 0.83%
29 4 1.65%
30 2 0.83%
31 1 0.41%
32 1 0.41%
33 2 0.83%
39 1 0.41%
42 1 0.41%
47 1 0.41%
49 2 0.83%
51 1 0.41%
55 2 0.83%
56 1 0.41%
64 1 0.41%
72 1 0.41%
82 1 0.41%
91 1 0.41%
98 1 0.41%
106 1 0.41%
151 1 0.41%
336 1 0.41%
Displaying recipients 201 - 225 of 231 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
13560 Warlord Ernordeth Puer-Irae 26
9811 Augur Teu Buhkari Sadow 27
2407 Adept Kell Palpatine Dante 28
13763 Battlelord Meleu Karthdo 28
14294 Vice General Rhylance 29
12004 Eminent Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri 29
6352 Warden Enzo Dek 29
13728 Corsair Zed 29
10214 Prophet Marick Tyris Arconae 30
6109 Augur Celahir Erinos Arconae 30
13802 Master Dracaryis 31
146 Adept Daniel Stephens 32
13830 Master Turel Sorenn 33
10013 Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae 33
9426 Master Alaris Jinn 39
13923 Eminent Giyana Jurro 42
308 Master Anshar Kahn Tarentae 47
8650 Legend Valhavoc Ad Vizsla 49
5951 Master Zentru'la 49
10602 Seer Marcus Kiriyu 51
11518 Adept Xantros 55
16828 Corsair Titius Osseus 55
7589 Warlord Archangel Palpatine 56
5580 Vice General Zanet Xox 64
3317 Adept Ood Bnar 72