Seal of Bone Breakdown

Award information

Seals of the Dark Brotherhood are some of the most revered and sought-after awards by the membership. They fall within two categories: Seals of War and Seals of Loyalty. The Seals of War are struck of unique materials and design, and are awarded for participation and judging of Rites of Supremacy, Independence Games, and Great Jedi Wars, typically in a ratio of one seal per event. Traditionally, a new seal is created for each major vendetta or competition. The Seal of Bone was awarded to participants of the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War

Award statistics
Number of Seals of Bone awarded:
Number of members having at least one Seal of Bone:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Seal of Bone:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Seal of Bone:
Average number of Seals of Bone (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Seals of Bone (per member having at least one Seal of Bone)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 34 20.99%
2 29 17.9%
3 21 12.96%
4 21 12.96%
5 13 8.02%
6 11 6.79%
7 6 3.7%
8 7 4.32%
9 3 1.85%
10 5 3.09%
11 5 3.09%
12 1 0.62%
13 4 2.47%
16 1 0.62%
27 1 0.62%
Displaying recipients 1 - 25 of 154 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
3714 Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu 27
10397 Warrior Fang Ao Tian 16
2407 Adept Kell Palpatine Dante 13
3944 Warlord Robert Sadow 13
10269 Ranger Cassandra El'sin 13
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr 12
7563 Prophet Raken 11
9426 Master Alaris Jinn 11
10446 Warlord Fremoc Pepoi 11
11130 Acolyte Evix Jhredmo 11
10701 Master Rian Taldrya 10
6059 Master Shikyo Keibatsu 10
114 Augur Raistlin 10
7722 Mystic Kaz Raith 10
10466 Mystic Dyrra Skye 10
8431 Prophet Orv Dessrx 9
3415 Adept Manji Keibatsu Sadow 9
9630 Savant Alexander Anderson 9
1120 Grand Master Declan Roark 8
2632 Prophet Selika Roh di Plagia 8
2563 Master Dalthid 8
6169 Adept Malisane Sadow 8
9219 Warlord Vivackus Kavon di Plagia 8
10127 Warrior Kalei Basai 8
115 Adept Sharad Taldrya Hett 7