Seal of Enmity Breakdown

Award information

Seals of the Dark Brotherhood are some of the most revered and sought-after awards by the membership. They fall within two categories: Seals of War and Seals of Loyalty. The Seals of War are struck of unique materials and design, and are awarded for participation and judging of Rites of Supremacy, Independence Games, and Great Jedi Wars, typically in a ratio of one seal per event. Traditionally, a new seal is created for each major vendetta or competition. The Seal of Enmity was awarded to participants of the Rite of Supremacy: Escalation

Award statistics
Number of Seals of Enmity awarded:
Number of members having at least one Seal of Enmity:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Seal of Enmity:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Seal of Enmity:
Average number of Seals of Enmity (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Seals of Enmity (per member having at least one Seal of Enmity)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 20 12.82%
2 7 4.49%
3 12 7.69%
4 9 5.77%
5 15 9.62%
6 13 8.33%
7 9 5.77%
8 5 3.21%
9 6 3.85%
10 3 1.92%
11 5 3.21%
12 6 3.85%
13 5 3.21%
14 5 3.21%
15 6 3.85%
16 6 3.85%
17 5 3.21%
18 4 2.56%
19 3 1.92%
20 1 0.64%
22 5 3.21%
23 1 0.64%
24 1 0.64%
25 1 0.64%
26 1 0.64%
28 2 1.28%
Displaying recipients 126 - 150 of 152 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
8505 Savant Kant Lavar 5
11347 Savant Zuser Whuloc 1
8968 Savant Malfrost Xeon 15
16153 Savant Livia Mariquita Daffel 5
14789 Raider Kelviin 3
4207 Battlemaster Horus Blackheart 3
15543 Battlemaster Karran Val'teo 9
10609 Ranger Ryan Hawkins 15
14353 Captain Arryn Caverns 3
16056 Captain Crysenia Orainn 7
14096 Mystic Neza-Rem Zarabi 3
15365 Mystic Kaled Atros 5
15329 Mystic Tyga Orn Nilim 1
14948 Warrior James Malum 6
14037 Warrior Magik 10
16386 Peacekeeper Bexa Nalrella 11
6386 Peacekeeper Zanothi Nightblade 1
16195 Peacekeeper Sulon Tiful 2
16102 Knight Vahrosa De 5
9829 Knight Corax "Baron" Zarjin 7
15844 Knight Xeno camber 1
16277 Knight Draxion Durk 6
16442 Padawan Dalric Hadroll 4
16075 Padawan Gwowk 1
16247 Padawan Eva Gagemon 1