Current Character Sheet for Myrkal


Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Umbaran, Sith, Techweaver
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 71.0 kg / 157 lbs
Age: 34 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Myrkal has a pair of deep set grey-blue eyes in a pale gray skinned, stoic face. Deep cheeks, high cheekbones and a strong tapering jaw give him the appearance of a predator, enhanced by a small pointed goatee jutting in front of his chin, the only hair remaining on his body. Large and barrel chested, his arms are a bit longer than typical for Umbarans. Despite his bulk, the taper of his broad shoulders to his waist is severe, making him appear more compact.

Starting at his neckline all the way down to his toes are several dozen winding black interlocking tattoos of swirling razors and whispers of smoke tracing his musculature and veins through the skin with exquisite detail. Upon close inspection the 'whispers of smoke' are Sith proverbs hidden among the razor wire. These tattoos are old, faded with at least a decade of time, almost blue instead of black.

Loadout: Main Explore
Due Diligence (General Aspect)

When Myrkal does things, he makes sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. This means there are frequent delays in Myrkal's work, but it's usually done right, at least.

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (General Aspect)

Myrkal is extremely competitive and strives to become the best at every task he is given. The benefit of this cutthroat approach to life and work is that he will always give 100%, pushing himself to his physical or mental limits to overcome any task. However, Myrkal’s overzealous ambition makes him insufferable to all but the most patient of companions, making it difficult to make friends while he either proves successful or utterly fails at being the best.

I Rely on Passion (Personality Aspect)

The Sith rely on their passions to give them strength. Myrkal thinks inwards, only of things that matter to him, and always does what is in his best interests. He feels nothing about hurting others, or exploiting opportunities, and believes himself to be special, and above all others.

Heavy Handed (Personality Aspect)

Myrkal is not afraid to exploit any advantage or position of power he has when dealing with others, and relies on a combination of fear, intimidation, manipulation and shows of strength to convince others to compromise and lose. Myrkal can be quite callous in his dealings with others, and never gives up his power. This has earned Myrkal with the reputation of a “bully” and can often make negotiations difficult before they even begin.

Always Prepared (Combat Aspect)

Sometimes the only way to prepare for the worst is to always expect it. Myrkal takes this philosophy one step further by never leaving home without accounting for every possible scenario he might expect to encounter. Myrkal tends to always have the right tool or item for a situation and has a habit of quietly and almost smugly presenting solutions before anyone even recognizes there is a problem. This foresight is far from infallible, however, and he often finds himself at a loss in situations that go beyond what he could have imagined. While incredibly practical and often a life-saver in a pinch, his perpetually pessimistic outlook on daily life can be a bit draining on more optimistic-inclined companions.

Puppeteer (Combat Aspect)

Myrkal seems to get his thrills, perhaps sadistic ones at that, from toying with his opponents. Some are content with simply striking down or injuring their opponent, but that is not enough for Myrkal. No, he wishes to see his enemy descend into madness or kneel before him as a blathering mess; or even better, as a fresh new servant with a muddled mind. The Puppeteer usually forsakes outright hurting and maiming his opponent and focuses on illusions, mind tricks, and other wicked means of destroying a person.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Hexing I Umbaran: Paint It Black Order Feat: Sith Mechu-deru I Umbaran: Devil's Dance
  • Basic
  • Umbaran
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Studies into the Sith Emperor Vitiate
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)