Current Character Sheet for Malevek


Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Sith, Marauder
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 30 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Malevek is a 25-year-old human male who is very fit and strong. His figure features broad shoulders and a slightly taller and heavier build than the average man. He stands at 1.9 meters (6' 3") and weighs 100 kg. (220 lbs) in muscle. The color of his hair is a dull and wavy sandy blonde that resembles the desert dunes of Tatooine. He keeps his hair short and combed back. A flame of hatred blazes like an inferno in his golden eyes, a fire that the man has nurtured since childhood. His skin is youthful in appearance with a light tan and no scars, making his facial features appear handsome. He used to have a beard but has decided to shave it off. His voice is a deep baritone and sometimes gruff depending on his mood.

Loadout: Malevek
They're Animals, and I Slaughtered Them Like Animals (General Aspect)

Malevek has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, he will make it his life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.

On the Run (General Aspect)

Malevek is no greenhorn when it comes to dealing with those who wish him ill. At some point, he managed to cross the wrong people, and now they've got a mark on his hide for it. While such experiences have hardened him for adrenaline-filled moments of evading those who seek to make him their quarry, he can never be quite sure if he is truly safe, for promises of wealth or power can turn even the most seemingly stalwart of allies to enemies with knives poised at his back.

I Rely on Passion (Personality Aspect)

The Sith rely on their passions to give them strength. Malevek thinks inwards, only of things that matter to him, and always does what is in his best interests. He feels nothing about hurting others, or exploiting opportunities, and believes himself to be special, and above all others.

All Who Gain Power... (Personality Aspect)

All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Malevek is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Malevek, however, knows that these are just points of view. He is on a quest for greater power, and uses all his skills and abilities to ensure his supremacy, regardless of the consequences.

Berserker (Combat Aspect)

Where most err on the side of caution in a confrontation, Malevek prefers to charge in head-first. While others may skirt a battlefield or keep their careful distance, Malevek rushes in with devastating attacks with seemingly no regard for safety, relying upon instinct and possibly armor to protect him from dismemberment and death during his all-out attacks. Malevek is a force to be feared on the battlefield, leaving a trail of death and destruction. However, Malevek's blood-hungry ways put him in far more danger than the normal combatant, often resulting in needless injury and suffering, trading safety for pure offensive ability.

Duelist (Combat Aspect)

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Malevek has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. Malevek then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, Malevek has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Escape Artist Saber Throw Stun I
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Sith Battle Haste I Battlefield Awareness I
  • Basic
  • Sith
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art Whiptree
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)