Sera's youth is obvious just from looking at her. Though perfectly symetrical and evenly placed, her facial features are often split by a pointy-toothed grin, set under single bright blue eye, the other covered by a strapless maroon patch. Her skin, fair for a desert-dwelling zabrak, is smooth and unlined, save for a small, barely noticeable scar on the underside of her chin. She keeps her horns immaculate, filed to keen needle points, and her scalp is shaved clean to show off her bony crown.
Sera has a tight, compact build, a feature accentuated by her diminutive height. Her musculature is toned and incredibly well defined, adding up to a creature of smooth curves and angles, with a high-tensile, wiry strength. She might be tiny, but Sera looks more pantherine than puny or weak.
As with all Zabraki, Sera’s tattooing is full-body, and totally unique. Her pattern is swirling, symmetrical, and smooth, painted in an even, dark maroon shade. They symbolize perseverance, to the point of straight stubbornness, and Sera wears them with the greatest pride. Her harsh upbringing and harsher profession have left their marks as well, scars that seem to work into the pattern of her tattoos. The oldest is a perfectly circular gunshot wound just above her navel, she has borne since she was a child, so long that it was worked into the pattern of her tattoos. More recent marks include an ugly saber burn on her left thigh, a fairly large bite-scar over her right collarbone, a splotch of ripped tissue in the webbing of her left hand, and a slash crossing her face, cutting downward diagonally from her left eyebrow over the bridge of her nose, before finally hooking down over her right cheek. A starburst-shaped blaster scar sits just underneath her navel, parallel to the old gunshot wound.
There is nothing more important to Sera than the bonds that she shares with others. Her devotion runs deep; to her brother, to her tribe, and to the family that she has found in Arcona. She is willing to give her very blood for them, to struggle alongside them, to bear their crosses, to put her own life on the line to spare theirs; one could not ask for a better friend.
Unfortunately, her trust is not difficult to earn. Open, naive, and given to thinking the best of people, her confidence is bought cheaply, and difficult to lose. Her love for others is a stubborn sort of thing; even when shown the very worst of the worst, the heart of darkness, Sera will choose love, never hesitating to give another chance to those whom she is devoted to, even when all their chances should have run out.
A person can be stubborn. Pigheaded. Strong-willed. Sera Kaern is all of these things, and more. Once committed to something, whether it be a person, a mission, or an ideal, she will not back down, as long as she is able. She can persevere under torture and duress for incredibly long periods, exerting every ounce of her resolve before cracking, even when it foolish, and even when her life is on the line. Pain is temporary, and honor is forever...but no one is unbreakable.
Sera is an emotional creature, bearing both of her hearts and all of the brightness of her hopelessly optimistic soul upon her sleeve. Full of impish grins and salacious humor, she thrives among strangers, new acquaintances, and close confidantes alike, though she isn’t quite as given to drunken stints as she once was. Truly, she believes in the best of everyone that she meets, collecting a coterie of friends and a panoply of romantic partners in her wake. But, for all her highs, Sera must have her lows. Ungiven to emotional insulation, she keenly feels the grief and pain of her friends, amplified through her Sense in the Force, and is absolutely terrified of losing others, or simply having them leave her.
For a woman who’s hopes fly so high, the long, long fall to grief can be crippling, or deadly. And it is bound to come eventually.
Despite a galaxy of science, discovery, and power beyond her imagining, Sera sticks steadfastly to her simple tribal beliefs, an ancient style of Zabraki ancestor-worship. That culture venerates one thing above all else; honor. Derived from centuries of tradition, zabraki honor impairs her to treat others with kindness, mercy, and simple respect. It emphasizes balance, in all aspects of life; a hunter must never take more than their fair-share, a merchant should never charge more than they are owed, and revenge, though it might be just, must be kept in check, never straying into slaughter and murder.
It is an admirable faith to keep, compared to others. But, time and time again, Sera’s naivety has hurt her. Honor leaves a warrior vulnerable, open to those who are totally without. One day, it will very likely get Sera killed...or worse.
Sera's self-preservation instinct has been defective since the day she was born. Call it stupidity, arrogance, or whatever else you want, she's very rarely been swayed by fear. It isn't that she's never known terror, or panic. Her incredible degree of resolve simply helps her resist it far longer than others.
Of course, simple bravery has its ups and downs. On the one hand, she's remarkably difficult to intimidate. Faced with tactics and illusions of terror, she is prodigiously resilient, and won’t often back down. But, this remains true when faced by unwinnable odds, or foes that she simply can not beat. Disregarding wisdom and her own personal safety, Sera will continue a fight for as long as she is physically able, charging recklessly into traps or the very jaws of death...especially when the life of an innocent or a loved one is on the line.
Sera believes that the key to winning any fight is an unpredictable offense. No grandmaster of any art attains their position through routine, and one doesn’t win battles by hiding behind their shield. So, she developed her own unique fighting style; an intense combination of K'thri, the traditional zabraki martial art, and Mandalorian core. This kind of fighting augments the flashy acrobatics seen in K’thri with the deliberate, decisive aggression favored by the Mandos. The result, best utilized with a weapon in each hand, places great focus on extremely rapid flurries of blows and the tricky fighting characteristic of K’thri, meant to overwhelm an opponent’s defenses before they are finished off with a series of devastating kicks. It is an effective, reactive, beautiful style in close quarters, but requires Sera to close the distance with foes at range. Moreover, it doesn’t leave her much in the way of defensive strategies.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | K'thri |
Secondary Martial Art | Mandalorian Core |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form IV (Ataru) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |