Current Character Sheet for Kobign Settgré

Brigadier General Kobign Settgré

Elder 1, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Loyalist, Infiltrator
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 74.0 kg / 163 lbs
Age: 38 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Kobign Settgré appearance looks like a person who has experienced violence in the past — the perfect visage for a soldier. His square-cut face is marred by an angled scar on his right cheekbone, two more criss-crossing through his hairline, and a long scar bisecting the bridge of his nose and down his left cheek. His tropical sun-tanned skin shares various other scars over his thickish athletic body, overlapping the faint pale stripping from his Selenian mixed heritage. Hidden normally by his clothes, a large knotted burn scar spans from his left shoulder and bicep to his right hip and left thigh. Kobign’s left hand holds the remaining significant scars, three jagged lines of differing lengths akin to a scratch of sorts. But the most glaring injuries one notices on the Human is the cybernetic right hand and wrist, and left foot up to a bit above his ankle, visible when it's not in a boot.

Settgré’s hazel eyes are often flecked with green and brown, shifting in intensity with his moods. The man’s brown hair is freely streaked with early greys, the locks curling loosely on the top of his head with the sides gradiently cut shorter. He keeps his heavy-stubbled facial hair loosely shaped for a rough clean look. Lastly, beneath his chin line, Kobign has theArconan Fade Initiative symbol tattooed on the right side of his neck, signaling his membership of the program.

Loadout: Kobign Everyday Attire
On the Run (General Aspect)

Kobign Settgré is no greenhorn when it comes to dealing with those who wish him ill. At some point, he managed to cross the wrong people, and now they've got a mark on his hide for it. While such experiences have hardened him for adrenaline-filled moments of evading those who seek to make him their quarry, he can never be quite sure if he is truly safe, for promises of wealth or power can turn even the most seemingly stalwart of allies to enemies with knives poised at his back.

Chameleoned Survivor (General Aspect)

Growing up on the streets, Kobign quickly learned that survival was easier when one could play whatever role was required. He became quite adept at molding his identity and history to his needs, and upholding to them via his high subterfuge skills. Lately, that role is that of a soldier. He has learned the nuances of military life, has trained in armed and unarmed combat, and more — all to complete a vow he had made. While Kobign is fairly thorough with his identity, those who insist on investigating what’s behind the man may find the holes giving way to the truth. This would unravel everything he has built and potentially threaten his and others close to him lives.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Kobign Settgré's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. He becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Divided By Oaths (Personality Aspect)

Kobign is a man of his word. He has made many promises to himself, to loved ones, and to those who hadn’t even known him, and he intends to do good by them. This loyalty to his vows makes him an incredible ally and defender, with the inability to not aid those in need. However, he runs the risk of his loyalty and promises building to an opposing tower threatening to topple, its integrity at odds. A matter that's so glaringly obvious to himself as he fights to preserve his morals while belonging to two conflicting units of incredible power. Betraying either could lead to his downfall or harm to the Selenian families and friends he's come to know and care for.

Adaptive Combat (Combat Aspect)

Without the gift of the Force, Kobign Settgré has trained rigorously with a wide range of melee weaponry and technology to better handle opponents that are able to harness the mythical power. Kobign Settgré has been conditioned to fight against foes that are Force-sensitive and are able to compensate against fighting an adversary wielding something as deadly as a lightsaber. While this adaptive combat training makes him lethal in close quarters combat against any kind of threat, they are still at the mercy of a long ranged fighter, assailant or Force user that prefers to attack the mind instead of the body.

Plasma And Steel (Combat Aspect)

With a blaster in his left hand and a blade in his right, Kobign can swiftly cut down a group of assailants in close to mid-range combat. He guards himself with his pistol arm up, the sword forward and beneath it, allowing for quick reactions and creating a whirlwind sphere of defense before him. While the man uses his Perception, Athletics, and Tactical Positioning to aid him in combat, due to the nature of fighting multiple opponents at the same time, he risks missing an attack till it’s too late, a stab in the back or five.

Skill Feats
Crooked Smile Behind Enemy Lines Envoy Intuition Go Ahead, Make My Day I See What You Did There Just A Flesh Wound II Lip Reader Tactical Positioning You Can't Stop The Signal Static Feedback
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Keen Eye III Chameleon III Envoy's Will Steel Curtain Order Feat: Loyalist Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Selenian
  • Arconan Armed Forces Operations and Ranks
  • Collective Infiltration & Force Detection Evasion Tactics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mid Rim Songs & Popular Fables
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None