Current Character Sheet for Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Son of Sadow

Grand Master, Grand Master tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Force Disciple, Immortal, Krath
Height: 1.88 m / 6'2" - Weight: 87.0 kg / 192 lbs
Age: 46 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Appearing to be in his mid twenties with long, dark brown hair,and a Kyataran goatee, Muz is the image of a noble of his homeworld. Tall and thin, but built lithely, the Master spends many hours training his body and shows very little signs of aging. Featureless black eyes are set against relatively pale skin, with rather pronounced cheekbones marking him as a Keibatsu. Muz's left arm was severed in battle at the bicep, replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic of his own make. Scars adorn his back and left shoulder from assassination attempts, and Sith tattoos across his chest and biceps remain unseen, yet glow in dark purple tones when viewed with force assisted sight.

Character Image

Loadout: Battlefield
The Lion of Tarthos (General Aspect)

Muz is quiet. He doesn't give speeches, he doesn't chastise, he doesn't wisecrack. He is warrior-born, and doesn't believe that using his mouth is useful in most cases. When he does talk, he uses direct and plain terms. The real communication from Muz will be 95% non-verbal. Eyebrow movements explain confusion, amusement, contemplation. Lowering his head and watching someone through the tops of his eyes denotes that he perceives a threat. Lowering his center of balance and shifting his feet slightly, while often only noticed by master saberists, often precludes swift attack. Muz often lets his actions speak for him, be it in vulgar displays of power to set an example or in silent approval. Muz may be quiet, but when he roars, it is something to behold.

To See With a God's Eyes (General Aspect)

The pinnacles of the Brotherhood are the Grand Masters, and none have lasted nearly as long in office as Muz. The depth of understanding he has of how the Universe works is enough to drive anyone insane. Rather than succumb to gibbering madness, Muz uses the insight to devastating effect in all that he does. This pushes him outside of normality, making it difficult for him to relate to most sentients in the universe.

Lord of the Krath (Personality Aspect)

The Sith teach that strength is to be found by constant strife, not only against enemies, but also against themselves. Muz holds with a different philosophy. Seeing the internal squabbles as wasteful, he seeks instead to push the Brotherhood towards a common goal, rather than the traditional Sith winnowing. He is not ignorant of the ways of the Sith, but rather uses them to his ends whenever possible, redirecting the innate competitive nature of the Clans and Houses towards outside accomplishment.

Fallen Jedi (Personality Aspect)

Taken from his home as a child to be trained by Jedi, Muz learned much from the ascetic order, As time passed, he found that the Order was plagued by their own hubris and hypocrisy. After Muz sacrificed much to save others, but came perilously close to the dark side in doing so, the order reprimanded him harshly out of fear of the Dark Side, and Muz left the Jedi to join the Brotherhood, where he found new purpose and old family. His feelings for his family and friends is unusual among the Dark Side, and is often seen by other Sith as a weakness or vulnerability. Muz believes otherwise, using his emotions for loved ones as the passion referenced in the Sith Code to make him powerful.

Scholar of the Saber (Combat Aspect)

Even though Muz has studied all the lightsaber forms extensively, he won't just throw down into a combat with little provocation. He is a connoisseur of the lightsaber forms, and relishes the ability to hone his own skill. Even so, Muz views entering a combat as something that only one person walks away from. Since he wishes to avoid unnecessary loss to the brotherhood, he has to feel as though he has something to learn from the opponent or that the opponent must be destroyed for his goals to succeed before he engages in a duel.

Warrior Born (Combat Aspect)

Born the eldest son to a feudal warlord, Muz was trained from an early age to be a warrior. As a result, Muz tends to use his powers in an enhancement fashion, using powers that augment or add effectiveness to skills he already has. This is not to say that he won't use other powers or that he doesn't use them when needed, but rather that it is more in his nature to use what he has already and use the Force to bump it up a notch. His best weapon may be the Force, but his first weapon is himself.

Skill Feats
The Force is With Me
Force Feats
Sokan A Soul for a Soul Dampen II Telekinetic Combat II Matter Bender II Escape Artist Plasma Manipulation II Tempest Dun Moch Telekinetic Strike III
Granted Feats
Steel Curtain Battle Haste III Order Feat: Force Disciple Envoy's Will Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Channel III
  • Ancient Sith (ur-Kittât)
  • Basic
  • Dathomirian
  • Huttese
  • Ancient Architecture
  • Ancient Legends of the Force
  • Dark Side Artifacts and Rites
  • Lightsaber Construction, Forms and Tactics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Nightsister Magic
  • Sith Alchemy
  • The Ancient Sith Empire
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)