Current Character Sheet for Sanguis Caldiren

Warlord Sanguis Caldiren

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Nagai, Sith, Marauder
Height: 1.92 m / 6'4" - Weight: 83.92 kg / 185 lbs
Age: 32 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Sanguis Caldiren is a Nagai with med-length elfin ears. He is pale with his skin covered with various black, Sith tattoo markings on his face and torso. He is muscular and well-built. He has long, jet-black hair extending to his lower back. He has amber-colored eyes from the dark side taint. He is also equipped with sharp fangs that give him a vampiric look.

[Character Image]

Loadout: General Mission loadout
Loyalty Is Earned, Not Bought (General Aspect)

While Sanguis Caldiren will see a job through to its conclusion and put forward his best effort, it’s still just a job. Sanguis Caldiren's true loyalties lie to his friends, and through thick and thin,he will stand by them and die for them if needed. This loyalty is reserved for those who have earned Sanguis Caldiren's trust, putting him at odds with other Mercenaries that are only doing a job for the money. This also makes it harder for employers to trust his motives, often times creating extra competition and difficulty finding work. None of it matters to Sanguis Caldiren, though, because loyalty to his friends is not something credits can buy.

Blood Drinker (General Aspect)

Early in his life, Sanguis became victim to an experiment utilizing sith alchemy and sorcery that went wrong and turned him into a Nagai with a thirst for blood and sharpened fangs to help acquire it. Since meeting and befriending Shadow Nighthunter, he has learned to control the thirst in peaceful situations with help from occasional blood donations she provides for him. He still risks bloodshed in combat, the fight triggering his bloodlust, sometimes making him a threat to allies. Outside of combat, blood from a small cut will perk his thirst, but not as much as a more severe wound makes it harder for him to restrain himself. Unfortunately, anyone who witnesses this behavior tends not to trust him and keep him at a good distance with exception of those close to him.

Beauty and The Beast (Personality Aspect)

Sanguis tends to stay to himself with little trust for others with the exception of Shadow and her sons. He is very protective of his secret lover and her boys and will protect them with his life. However, his lack of trust for everyone else has him running solo on most occasions as does his thirst for blood. His standoffish nature tends to ward off potential allies, leaving him to his more lone wolf ways which can lead him to face multiple opponents on his own. It matters little to him as he only cares about the one person who slowly calms the bloodthirsty beast within him.

Straight Shooter (Personality Aspect)

Sanguis Caldiren tells it like he sees it, when he thinks it; and he doesn't try to sugar coat what he says.

Tonight, We Dine in Hell! (Combat Aspect)

Sanguis Caldiren possesses a single minded drive for victory, and a deep-seated martyr complex. When presented with a chance to wade into battle versus overwhelming odds, Sanguis Caldiren does not hesitate, and instead rushes in, relying on skill, fate or chance to let him survive.

Blood For The Blood God! (Combat Aspect)

Sanguis is very focused on his opponents in order to protect Shadow as he uses his literal thirst for blood to drive him in combat. He has intense dedication to draw blood from his foes to feed his thirst. Unfortunately, the Nagai can become distracted and obsessive with making more blood spill after his sense of reservation is overwhelmed, often causing him to inflict wounds even on those closest to him. His fighting style tends to become more erratic the more driven he becomes by his thirst for blood, which can help him overwhelm some opponents as well as result in him becoming too reckless when completely consumed by bloodlust.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die Elusive Prey Crooked Smile
Force Feats
Debilitating Fear Aura Of Fear Dominate Mind
Granted Feats
Battle Haste II Order Feat: Sith Battlefield Awareness II Steel Curtain
  • Basic
  • Nagaian
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None