Current Character Sheet for Corvus Corax

Corvus Corax

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Aleena, Jedi, Shadow, Sentinel
Height: 0.78 m / 2'7" - Weight: 35.0 kg / 77 lbs
Age: 36 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


Corvus is in his late twenties. He is of average height (for an Aleena) and has cobalt-coloured skin, with muted gold accents around the jawline and shoulders. His eyes are dark grey, with a lighter ring around his pupils. He has a long, angled face with a sizeable head-crest.

Loadout: Day to day
Play The Long Game (General Aspect)

When Corvus Corax does something important, the likelihood is that it has been planned months in advance, so that there is very little that can deviate from his main plan, or even evade his meticulous planning for problems. He literally spends all his time preparing for big operations, and planning for every different condition that might occur.

Friends In High Places (General Aspect)

Corvus has had to be skeptical about many of his relationships, and as such has developed a strong ability for critical thinking and reasoning. However, when he is in the company of close friends, the closest one being Mar Sul, he can be punny, ambitious, and loyal. He has taken to standing on his favourite’s shoulder in quite a majestic position.

It's All A facade (Personality Aspect)

Having played as many different personas throughout his life, Corvus Corax has taken to doing the same when with the Clan. He acts as a stereotypical Aleena, curious and generally jovial. He seems quiet, but ultimately interested in almost everything. He will only be genuine when in private with those who have won his complete trust.

Gentlemen (Personality Aspect)

Corvus is, at heart, someone of utmost manners. Not only does he dress in miniaturised formalwear, but he speaks using sophisticated vocabulary - he is quite the sesquipedalian. Following a chivalrous and polite doctrine drilled into him by his father, he will treat everyone with utmost respect, even his enemies - that is, when he isn't in combat with them.

Coinshot (Combat Aspect)

Corvus has trained excessively in a variant of ballistakinesis, a telekinetic technique which attacks with small objects at high velocities. Whereas most practitioners tend to attack with multiple objects in a scattergun-like technique, Corvus has spent his hours of practice honing his accuracy. He prefers to use just one small object, but he can manipulate this object in a precise fashion. He carries a small pouch at his belt with many coins - these are his weapons of choice.

The Buck Stops Here (Combat Aspect)

Despite being a skilled combatant, Corvus only accepts the responsibility of fighting if he believes it to be necessary. Some would say that this tendency borders on cowardice, preferring to leave the fight to more dedicated soldiers if possible.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Escape Artist Accelerated Healing I Telekinetic Strike III Force Meld I Elementary
Granted Feats
Ghosting II Faceless II Order Feat: Jedi Aleena: Bite Size Aleena: Nine Lives
  • Aleena
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None