Competition: Haiku: Week 11

Haiku: Week 11

Only 2 weeks left! We are in our penultimate Week 11. This one may be harder than you think at first. Really give it your all. Subscribe below for your writing prose.

Requirements for participation:

  • Subscribe to the competition, and submit either a .doc, .docx file, or in the text box.

  • No Google Drive Links Will Be Accepted

  • Follow the prompt. If the three judges agree that this hasn’t been done, you will be disqualified from that week’s challenge.

  • This is a haiku, so you must follow the 5-7-5 syllable count, as well the stanza requirement posted in each week's prompt.

  • Satirical entries will be accepted and graded accordingly. If they fail to properly reflect the spirit of the prompt, it will be reflected in the scoring.

  • Do Not Plagiarize! Plagiarism will be reported to the Justicar.

  • Have fun and be creative. Show us what that brain of yours can really do.

This weeks Haiku will be graded out of 100 points:

Spelling/Grammar: 20% Creativity: 30% Entertainment Value: 20% Originality: 30%


  • 1st: 10 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 2nd: 9 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 3rd: 8 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 4th: 7 points

  • 5th: 6 points

  • 6th: 5 points

  • 7th: 4 points

  • 8th: 3 points

  • 9th: 2 points

  • 10th: 1 point

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Twelve Weeks a Haiku
Organized by
Master Aiden Lee Deshra, Rosalyn May, Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Running time
2016-06-10 until 2016-06-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
12 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

Power: why chase it?
Absolute power corrupts
us absolutely.

Since that’s the case, I
fear for the future of our
fine Dark Brotherhood.

Muz, Pravus, Jac, Yacks,
and even old Astatine.
Look at our leaders.

All sociopaths.
All megalomaniacs.
All chasing power.

For me, I’m happy
in my small corner. Tal is
all that I need here.

1st place
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

Power is a risk,
One which fools often discount
To their detriment.

Not without rewards,
For the powerful control
Their own destinies.

While the powerless
Know nothing but dread, and to
Suffer what they must.

And yet the careless,
Mindful only of power,
Overlook the risk.

The weak have little
For the ambitious to take.
The powerful? All.

2nd place
3rd place
Ryan Hawkins
Ryan Hawkins
Textual submission

Power corrupts not,
But like a soaring raptor,
Seeks its prey's weakness,

The spirit is weak,
When it senses its desire,
Roaring like lions,

It pursues to eat,
Whatever the heart burns for,
Ignoring the sky,

That is power's way,
It swoops down and carries you,
Its talons clasp you,

The proud should beware,
Power will raise you upwards,
To kill and devour.

3rd place
3rd place
Textual submission

The Sith look outwards
to a Galaxy of strife
and seek to control.

Power sates their need
to dictate the order of
the world around them.

But the Galaxy
is an impermanent thing,
and death is its song.

True power is found
in subduing desire and
controlling the self.

Jedi look inward
to seek the consonance of
the Force and the soul.

3rd place
5th place
Textual submission

Power is something
that the dark side of the force
provides to the Sith.

We gain strength over
the light side and the jedi
with each one we kill.

As we destroy them,
our hold on the galaxy
becomes absolute.

Once they are all dead,
no one will stand in our way,
and we will rule all.

The galaxy will
know the true power of the
dark side of the force.

5th place
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Textual submission

The Force is power.
Without it, you will crumble.
It's not for the weak.

Hokey religion.
No match for a good blaster?
You wish, Han Solo.

Lightning from my fingertips.
Crush your feeble throat.

Tempt not my power.
Understand your place in things.
You are cosmic dirt.

Sith are the cosmos.
Jedi are feeble to me.
My chains are broken.

6th place
7th place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
Textual submission

It is what we want
The thing that we all fight for
It is what we crave.

Power. What we need.
In unlimited amounts
To control it all.

Others may shun it
Not knowing how to keep it
Letting it all go

Those are the weak ones
The power too much for them
Too scared too grab hold

But power is all
I have no fear to hold it
And control it all

7th place
8th place
Kryy Vitaan
Kryy Vitaan
Textual submission

Sith truly believe,
"Through power comes victory"
There is no equal.

Power is costly.
Strips men of their sanity.
Leaving them broken.

I dream of power,
and might in which can conquer,
these beacons of light.

With insatiable,
hunger I traversed wild space,
in search of the source.

Instead lie darkness.
Encroaching and devouring.
I had lost myself.

8th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
9th place