Competition: CDW: Aspects

CDW: Aspects


Character sheets are a great source of information about your character. You’ll be able to list their skills, their arsenal, their specializations, but nothing brings your character to life quite like a solid custom aspect does. Pre-written aspects are serviceable but they are generic and seldom truly align themselves with your vision of the character.

With custom aspects, you have a chance to flesh out what truly makes your character tick. You are able to dig into their quirks, into their life goals, even their tactics in combat. It is your opportunity to explain and illustrate just what your character does with all these attributes you selected throughout your character sheet.

How exactly does he utilize that Amplification +5? You picked Ancient Artifacts and the History of the Sith for your Lore topics; to what purpose does your character put this knowledge? Your physical description lists that your character lost an eye: how does he make up for this deficit, and how does it hinder him?

Remember that all good aspects should be balanced in a way to include both a positive and negative consequence, a cause and effect. Also, remember that a relatable and layered character is not all about combat.

This is your chance to be creative and flesh out that character of yours in a brief and effective manner.

Will you rise up to the challenge?

You may refer to this guide for further assistance in writing a solid custom aspects.


  • 125 words max per aspect + Title
  • Aspects must reflect the information on your current, approved Character Sheet
  • All participants may submit up to six custom aspects, two per category (General, Personality, Combat). The category must be indicated for each entry.
  • Only one aspect may win per participant.
  • Custom aspects already existing on your approved character sheet MAY be submitted.
  • Submit one downloadable file (doc, pdf, txt) incorporating all submissions.


The competition will be graded based on the following points:

  • Spelling/Grammar/Syntax: 20%
  • Balance: 35%
  • Realism: 35%
  • Creativity: 10%
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Character Development Workshop #1: Aspects
Organized by
Running time
2016-05-02 until 2016-05-29 (28 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
9 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Mystic Kor Vaal
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
2nd place
General Zentru'la
Textual submission

The Conspirator: Elincia Rei is history's ghostwriter, pulling the strings from the shadows through elaborate schemes, plots and machinations. While some of the biggest events in Scholae history have been the work of Elincia, those who associate her with them are often dismissed as crazy conspiracy theorists.

3rd place
3rd place
Qor Kith
Qor Kith
Textual submission


You Ruined My Groove!

When it comes to relaxing and their social life, {{member}} just likes to get down to the dance floor and boogie their tush away. {{gender;He,She}} likes nothing more than to dance the night away with their friends and close allies, having a good time while they can. With a finesse body and a strategic mind, {{member}} doesn't find trivial things such as climbing, running or swimming that difficult. However, when {{member}} is distracted or thrown off course by someone else, {{gender;he,she}} will be furious and will demand answers as to why their break-dancing was broken, why the jellyfish stung, or the tango took three instead of two. In short, {{gender;he,she}} doesn't like interruptions.

Witch Doctor

Qor is highly adept at both *Medicine* and *Survival* and has been a major contributor to recent biological chemical research of today. With the laboratories of the Clan at his disposal, Qor can create a diverse range of *poisons* that are highly expensive to produce. Unfortunately, this line of work is uneasy to deal with by other members of the Clan. People distrust and grow suspicious of his activities, so he struggles to socialise in events, ceremonies and meetings. Conclusively, gifts of food and drink are not usually accepted without Qor tasting them first.


Man Gotta Be The Man, Fish Gotta Be The Fish

Qor is a Quarren born and raised, he is an isolationist and has been trained to think this way since birth. Under the tutelage of [Nikola Valtiere]( Qor has been forced to think of every sentient as either a tool, a weapon, or non-entities. This code of respect doesn't represent hatred or anger towards sentient life, but a requirement so that Qor is always adaptable. As part of his code, Qor has decided to not attach himself to any order or alignment, but to use them as a tool. Through this method, Qor will never hesitate to kill or injure someone who stands in his way. This also means that Qor can never understand or have attachments to others.


Aftermath Scavenger

As part of his code of respect, Qor does not engage in combat until he is forced to. Instead he prefers to wait for the combat to cease, scan the battlefield for survivors to interrogate and torture them with **Telekinesis** for answers. When forced into combat by ambushes, he will try his best to evade and escape using his *Survival* and *Subterfuge* techniques. That’s not saying Qor is naturally quick to evade, so he may play dead with **Control Self** on rare occasions.


Qor is proficient at using the poisons he makes, but he much prefers the steady aim and the quick reflexes of droids. By installing a *dart shooter* into the an [R8-series]( astromech droid, Qor doesn’t have to worry about delivering the plethora of his poisons himself. Unfortunately like most R-series droids, this one has the personality of Qor’s poison suppliers and doesn’t take kindly to receiving orders. The droid seems to enjoy letting Qor struggle in his battles before helping, in rare cases it has also disappeared to appear in a much more stealthy position. The persona and acts of the R8-series droid are unorthodox and random to describe at best.

3rd place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

General Aspects:
Old Timer
His age has made him wise in the way of the galaxy. Through the years he has seen everything and every type of situation. He has the ability to notice things that are out of place and take action based on what is happening around him. If the situation looks too dire he knows when to check for the nearest exit. Sometimes, in his old age, he can’t move around as quickly as he used to.
(*Peception +3, Investigation +1*)

No placement
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
File submission
No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
Textual submission


No placement